
North American Biofuel?

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Why doesn't these groups produce biofuels at a consumer level, so we don't have to buy gas at the pump?




  1. At what cost ,to the rest of the world????

    After the orangutans

  2. you need a diesel engine for bio-diesel. this is not something you can put in your gas guzzling car.

    Bio-Diesel is not an alternative to gasoline. Bio-diesel is an alternative to diesel.

    there are refineries that produce consumer level bio-diesel, typically blended with diesel to compensate for problems that 100% bio-diesel has.

    You can find Bio-diesel blends under the label B-5 up to B-20 rarely you'll find a B-100 (most common is B-10 or B-20)

    This is just like ethanol blended gas...which is sold under the label E-5 up to E-85 (most common is E-85)

    B-20 means that 20% of the fuel blend is Bio-diesel

    E-85 means that 85% of the fuel blend is ethanol

    Vehicals need to be specificly designed or converted to run on these blends. both Bio-diesel and ethanol are solvents and will destroy the rubber seals and other gaskets in a vehical not set up to use these fuels.

  3. First off, NAB promotes the use of used vegi oil to power cars. It is  a different process, involving different steps to produce commerical grade gasoline. The field of biofuels are highly privatized currently, case n' point BioWillie, Willie Nelson's biofuel company. Moreover, to make biofuels practical a lot more research is required. The most promising biofuel that is being researched is fuel from algae. So basically more research is need to create commerical grade biofuels cheaply.

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