
North American Grant Inc.

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My nephew received a check last week for $2995. along with a letter from North American Grant Inc. located in British Columbia. The letter told him that he had been approved for a $50,000. grant that could be used for college, starting a business, buying a house or a car. The letter stated that he should deposit the check into his bank acct and then transfer that amount ($2995.) to them to pay for their fees. He would recieve a cashiers check for $45000. within 2 days via FedEx or UPS after they recieve the transfer. He applied for a college grant about 2 years ago and thinks this is what he was waiting for. He deposited the check, but has not heard anything. I notified the Canadian BBB to ask is this was a legit, but have not heard back yet. Is there any action I can take in the meantime. He refuses to believe that this is a scam. What can I do?




  1. What a scam.  He needs to realize people just don't GIVE you that kind of money.  He needs to talk to his bank IMMEDIATELY to make sure nothing fishy happens.  Also, take him to the local police dept and have them talk to him about the risks of identity theft and other scams out there.  The police could prob give him some stories that would make his hair stand on end.

  2. It sounds like it was a scam to me. Contact the bank and find out what happened to the check. Be persistent. Also be sure to check if there were any unauthorized purchases or transfers on your son's bank account. If your son gave North American Grant Inc. any of his personal information, it could also be identity theft.

  3. i also recieved a letter aswell and i am on the verge of finding out exactly who this company is. although my ck bounced and i have yet to know why. i have also been tring to contact them best advise is to find out exactly where they want the money sent and see if its legit online find out if this service is from the government as they state it is.

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