
North Carolina Civil Suit Question?

by Guest44743  |  earlier

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I am being sued in a civil suit in the state of North Carolina, it is an alienation of affection suit and although we feel there is no chance the plaintiff will win we are still curious as to what happens if he wins the verdict of the 50,000 he is asking for and I only make 1500 a month and most of it goes out into bills, what happens if I am unable to pay the money he is requesting. May I file bankruptcy and have it erased? If I simply don't pay it what happens?




  1. The success rate on this type of case is very low.  Its real intent is to embarrass another person however there was a successfully case out of Charlotte about five years ago or so setting a national trend.  You really have a tough go of it being army regardless as you know you will be disciplined twice.  

    IF the other party wins, a judgment can be filed against the debt.  The debt can be forced into payment by payroll deduction or sale of personal property.  Realistically, the worst is your credit rating can be ruined for years.  After ten years he can opt to renew the judgment also.  

    Best thing to do is fight this thing hard.  

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