
North Korea ??

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why is north Korea invited to any events outside of N.Korea (Olympics) they dont let any1 leave their country's their government are terrorists why isn't there a trade embargo on them ?? what can we(the world) do to get their crazy dictator out of power ??




  1. Because the Olympics should not be about politics. All this boycott the Olympics c**p is infuriating because the Olympics is an event in which people from all around the world (no matter where they are from) can compete in a friendly way. By the way, North Korea's off Bush's stupid "Axis of Evil", so I guess that means they aren't a terrorist state sponsor anymore. Plus, we have no right to force out a leader, even if he is a dictator. We can pressure him to change, but we have no right to invade a country to change their government just because we don't like it. Besides, any military tactic used to invade N. Korea would be a nightmare.

  2. Because we did that in Iraq and everyone hates us for it.

  3. The same reason the rest of the Soviet Sphere of Influence was left alone (although in this case it ended up being more of a Chinese "Sphere of Influence"):

    “During the world war of 1939-45, the future of the Japanese empire was decided at Allied summit meetings. In the short term, pending the return of Korean independence, Korea, a Japanese colony since 1910, was to be occupied north of the 38th parallel by Soviet Russia.

    To the south, a United States military administration under the direction of General Douglas MacArthur would control the area from its headquarters in Tokyo.

    After several years of increasingly bloody frontier incidents along the 38th parallel, the Republic of Korea was invaded by the North Korean Peoples' Army on 25 June 1950. Despite earlier indications, the Pentagon was caught off-guard. As the North Koreans swept south, overwhelming all opposition, the US called on the Security Council to invoke the United Nations Charter and brand the North Koreans as aggressors. This was done and member states were called on to send in military assistance. The first American troops were then sent in to stiffen resistance against the invader. The British government responded at once and elements of the Far East Fleet were soon in action along the Korean coast, together with ships of Commonwealth navies.

    However, the North Koreans still advanced rapidly south…

    In mid-September, General MacArthur brought off a masterstroke by landing two divisions 240km (150 miles) in the enemy rear at the port of Inchon. Their communications cut, and under heavy aerial bombardment, the North Koreans broke and fled back north; MacArthur ordered a hot pursuit which led across the 38th parallel and deep into North Korea. As the victorious UN forces drew near to the Manchurian border, there were ominous signals from Peking that communist China would intervene to defend its territory. In mid-October, MacArthur met President Harry Truman on Wake Island in their first encounter to assure him that a massive UN offensive was about to conclude the war victoriously by Christmas. No sooner had this been launched in November than the Chinese unleashed their armies.

    In mid-1951 [the land battle ended in stalemate]… In 1953…A Demilitarised Zone or DMZ was established on the border. Both sides withdrew from their fighting positions, and a UN commission was set up to supervise the armistice.’
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