
North node in Aries conjunct Jupiter in aries both in 11th house?

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Just wondering if anyone can give me any meaning. I don't want a copy and paste from a website, I want someone who legitmitately knows! Thanks!




  1. Since the North Node represents the life/karmic lessons that you have come to learn and overcome this lifetime, Jupiter - the planet of luck and expansion - will greatly aid in this mission of yours. Jupiter in this position will aid you greatly when you need that extra boost to overcome the past life tendency of Libra Traits - being Mr/Miss Nice, inability to make decisions/vacillation, letting people take advantage of your good nature etc.

    North Node conjunct Jupiter in Aries gives you extra boost where self-expression, intiative powers are needed. The sense of self and individuality, of focusing on your own needs instead of being fearful of rocking the rock, are emphasized this lifetime and these traits will be manifested in 11th House affairs - among your circle of friends and aquaintances, humanitarian work effortd etc..

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