
Northern Ireland has just had a terrible day of floods?

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the assessors are out and promising money for we suffer horrendous floods in England last year England never got help so an Englishman i see this all too often free prescriptions for wales free university for Scotland I'm only a tax payer of 42 years can we English have something back ? when we need it ?




  1. Sorry but you are talking nonsense.  They haven't bailed the water out of their houses yet and this is somehow unfair to you.  Get a  life.  

  2. Scotland/Wales/NI get the same money they always got, it's just that now they can choose how to spend it.

    If you read most of the stories beneath the Daily Mail headlines you'll find that those amazing drugs denied to English patients but available in Scotland are actually available in other regions of England too (it just depends on how your local authority handles it's budget).

    Or that the Scottish government has had to fund the tuition fees by reducing the numbers of police on the streets.

    Or that while the Welsh get their prescription charges paid (I think) those living near the border with England can't go to their local hospital because it's in England and budgeted for differently, so they get shipped to a Welsh one miles away.

    Or even: "...people studying nursing in Wales are better off to the tune of over six grand than if they studied in England. English come to study in Wales, get money from the already cash-strapped Welsh NHS, then they bugger off back to England. Wales is paying to train English nurses."

    Of course the truth doesn't sell as many papers to the Daily Mail's blue-rinse readers, but it is out there.

    PS: That's a capital N in Northern Ireland, thanks.

  3. that is awful..good luck

  4. you didnt SEE the floods! they were awful i couldnt leave my house. also lots of people live out in the country so it was worse. people couldnt get home and had to stay in leisure centres. and since we livein remote areas it was hard to get help!

  5. Yeah it's great, born in NI, now living in Glasgow, who really wants independence when you mugs pay our way!

  6. that's to do with the ineptitude of your own mps do you really think there has been a huge amount of money set aside just for this?? also northern ireland for yrs has had to pay dearer for fuel bills, flight and ferry charges.

  7. I wouldn't begrudge anyone who has suffered flood damage help.

  8. Wow I never thought Ireland could have floodings! Thank god I didnt go this year...

  9. I totally agree, however I don't think your anger, bitterness or other emotional contempt for other who are recieving help should be directed at them, more like at the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (my former MP), Hiliary Benn.

    I think its his department who is to blame for the lack of preparation which caused widespread damage, before June 27, it was ultimately David Miliband's responsibility as he was the then SoS of DEFRA.

    I know it was in that year we had snow on the twenty-something of June, the roads were chaos in West Yorkshire. I just thought that our government doesn't do alot to prepare us. I use my example because twice whilst on the bus going to a town called Shipley it skidded a few feet, there was black ice all over and local government was no where to be seen.

    I respect the right of the people of Northern Ireland to decide whether they are part of the UK or should join back with the ROI and become on United Ireland (the right is granted under section 1 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998). The same right should be delegated to Wales and Scotland, if not already done so - I presume this not to be the case. h**l, I'd even like to see England have a say of us being part of the United Kingdom.

    Personally I think, other than in the contexts of football and in sport, there should be no "England", "Wales", "Scotland", or "Northern Ireland". We should all be subjected to the same rights, privileges, taxes and financial aid in being educated than someone a couple of hundred miles away over a border line.

    Personally, I think all education should be free - so long as you've got the potential to acheive. I don't think there should be free bus travel for the old when there's children (especially in West Yorkshire whom being over 11 have to pay full price - if they've forgot their half-fare pass to get on a bus to or from a place where they legally have to attend, especially when it gets dark in winter). These school kids  who themselves get no state pension.

    When set up and from when it became in force (on the 5th July 1948), the NHS was to provide free "prescription medicine from chemists" I'm no financial expert as to how it would be funded but I can reliably tell you these two facts:

    - The BBC reported in Feb 2007 that the NHS buys £7bn worth of branded drugs. Were that to change and non-branded ones with the same healing powers to be invested csts would cut.

    - My second fact is between the (approx.) dates 20 March '03 - 28 Oct '05 the British taxpayer is estimated to have spent £3.1bn on an arguably illegal and pointless war with no prospect to end.

    - I can't be bothered looking them up but were Trident to go ahead also (my understanding being that it is) that too would sponge up the taxpayer's cash to a load of missiles which can indiscriminately kill civillian women and children not the intended targets they were designed for.

    I think its a joke the way this country is run. Other than in emergencies and with the informal consent of most MPs when unpracticable to meet in Parliament. With every major decision that this government makes it should not be them who makes it but it should be for the people to decide via a referendum. I think we should adopt a law stating that is a constitutional right of us (well technically not me for another ten months - only 17!).

    I'd like to see England rebel just like the SNP are doing at the moment - I wonder if we will get our way. I end with the Paciffist motto: "Peacefully if we may, forcefully if we must."

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