
Northern copperhead snake?

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someone said there is a 8 ft long northern copperhead snake near my house and i was wonderin if they can get that big




  1. No/sorry i live in Missouri the record is 6 haft long.I believe some one lost a pet Boa Constrictor there color,s change to environment to scare off predator,s.Either which way proceed with caution ok.L.B.J.

  2. Copperheads are fairly small snakes. The record size for any copperhead is a northern copperhead that measured 53 inches. Thet's almost 4 1/2 feet. Southern and northern copperheads normally grow 3 to 4 foot at the most. Osage copperheads grow to about 3 feet. Broadbanded and Trans Pecos grow 2 to 2 1/2 feet long. What the person saw was probably something harmless like a bull snake or rat snake, and exaggerated the size. I have studied copperheads for years and have bred them. I was just out in the field the other day looking at broadbanded/southern intergrade copperheads and western cottonmouths. Even if the person actually saw a copperhead and greatly exaggerated the size, you have nothing to worry about. Copperheads avoid trouble. Out of the dozens and dozens of copperheads I have seen in the wild, not a single one was aggressive unless really provoked, and by that I mean picking them up. I've found harmless water snakes and rat snakes to be quicker to bite than a copperhead on average.

  3. My wife grew up in thailand, ive seen pics of snakes that are not recorded in length. a lot goes unoticed far out there. its possible.

  4. While nothing is impossible, these snakes usually grow to around 3-5 ft.

  5. When untrained people see a snake, they almost ALWAYS overestimate the length. Those of us who do field research on snakes usually figure they at least doubled and often tripled the real size.

    Remember- it is not laying nice and still next to a ruler or anything, and the movements they make can easily create the illusion of greater length.

    Plus, many people are scared by the thing to start with.

  6. No- the average copperhead is less than half that size.

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