
Northerners hate Southerners. The cold-puffy Rubbish that they are. At which County-borders should we divide ?

by Guest66962  |  earlier

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I say we don't let them travel North of Northamptonshire.

Where do you all think they should be stopped ?




  1. Southerners have a massive complex about the Northerners so they should be stopped just south of Sheffield. Southern softies are not welcome in the North.

  2. Well I think the Watford gap actually. While your at it as well we wil have no more of you lot migrating down here to find work either. Plus is will save us Londoners a shed load of money because we wont have to keep regenerating your S****y estates and keeping you lot on the dole. Plus I have heard that its Shia law in Birmingham so you can keep it. The best thing about the North is the road to the South oh and you load of pie eating fatties will not be able to use it. Ha ha

  3. its colder up north you idiot slither back under ure rock and stop giving decent northen people a bad reveiw us southerners dont like to think they are all sad muppets like you!!

  4. Wherever we draw the line, let's make sure Suffolk is below it. ;-)

  5. remember the next time the south have a drought we up north have all the water just to sell to you all .Yes bring on the borders.

  6. Northamptonshire isn't northern you stupid t**t you're a midlander. The north finishes at scotch corner on the A1.

  7. Born in Sheffield, it took me 24 years to escape the backward mentality. Now happily living in London and proud to be a southerner.

  8. You`re not exactly being a good advert for The North, posting a question like that.  And speak for yourself, i don`t hate anyone.

  9. Why would Manchester try so hard to be like London if the North wasn't trying to compete with our way of life?  I'm a Southerner and like most other Southerners on here I'm quite happy sucking the S**t out of the @rses of the poor

  10. I'm a northerner and evan I think your a d*ckhead

  11. Northerners are people who live in Kirkwall, Dornach, Ullapool, Inverness & Aberdeen?(North of Scotland)

  12. Get back down the mine you northern numpty ;)

  13. Co as a tha Thu ??   Tha bheil  na Laithean a dh'fhalbh!!!!

    im a scot in scotland. and ive not found in the south what you claim. i find people on both ends to great and graciuos. so don't go blow smoke up my kilt or their backsides

    i want scotlands independace to be sure. However not in the way you want it. We are still brothers and sisters in the end and good nieghbours. So take you hate  and push it up yer kilt

  14. by ek our lad northamptonshire, tha shud av sed Sheffield tha knose

  15. at least electricity has been invented down here

    at least we own our cars outright down here

    at least we speak properly down here

    at least we dont beat our wifes down here

    at least he have Wembley down here

    at least we dont smell down here

    at least we get paid in money and not cole down here

    at least we dont "interfere" with our family down here

    at least we have the capital down here

    at least we have the team thats top of the league down here

    at least out house's are worth more than 10p down here

    at least we have a bit of sun down here

  16. Well obviously I sh*t right out as I am as far south as you can get!!!!

  17. I'm in America and I don't have a clue to what you ALL are speak sounds like there is hate between North & South...remember what we got here in America 500,000 DEAD over this type of hate

  18. I'm a northern girl. I lived down south for a few years. I like southerners and think Southern men are far nicer than Northern men.

  19. You can keep the north. It's a rainy, miserable old bag of shite.

  20. Haven't you ever heard of the Mason-Dixon line? Just a little southern information for you.

  21. I can't understand your regional dialect, do you know any English per chance?

  22. Its so stupid. I live 'up north' and I have all my life. I am going out with someone from London... There are so many people who live here who think that southern people are all s****. and completely different to northern people, but thats ridiculous. Everyone I've met from 'down south' has been totally grounded, open minded and very nice. So stop being a narrow minded idiot.

  23. Scotland should reclaim Cumberland, Northumberland and Durham.

  24. This, supposed divide, has always been at the Watford Gap as far as I've been led to believe. But what good does it do??

  25. Watford!!!!!keep the northerns out!!.

  26. being a proud southerner, born to emigrated northerners, I would say that the line would be drawn at Gloucestershire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire. Any where further north that this is just too bloody cold to contemplate and the accents start losing their friendly farmer style.

    Being from the southwest, I would argue that we should just cut Cornwall Devon Somerset and (former) Avon off and have our own nation of Westcountry, with our own parliment like the Welsh and Scots.

  27. we will go up there whenever we like, the northeners are the soft one's everytime we go up to see the spurs all the little girls hide until we go home.

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