
Norway :D been there? good or bad? tell me what you think :)?

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Hey! so Im in Norway now. yes I am Norwegian too. And i think its great, i love Norway cause its my mother land.

So... Has anyone been in Norway? if so tell me what you think?

Tell me things thats good about Norway and whats not good about Norway :)

If you haven't been to Norway, or dont know much about norway... and hopefully like to know more, go here to find out more!

Wikipedia is great!

Tell me what you think! if you care to, if you dont care to, and find this stupid, then dont dont answer with some stupid "waste of my life" comment or something. just dont answer.

Thanks! hope to hear feedback!




  1. I think that Norway is absolutely beautiful!  Not just the fjords and the glaciers, but just the countryside in general.  Everything is so lush and green, and even Oslo has so many trees and green spaces!  The Norwegians certainly seem to appreciate it as well, since they're all so enthusiastic about trekking, cycling, skiing, and just about anything else you can do outside to enjoy the natural beauty!

    I find that the people are very friendly and gracious.  In general, they seem much more sincere than people in a lot of other countries.  Their English skills are phenomenal, which is extremely convenient for those of us with poor Norwegian skills, but I wish they were better at understanding strangley-accented Norwegian so that I could practice with more confidence (and without inconveniencing anyone).

    Usually the prices don't bother me so much, since people are a little less materialistic than in more consumer-driven countries.  However, the high price of meat gets annoying, since it's not something we can easily do without.  On a related note, I think it's kind of funny that the people in Oslo drive all the way to Sweden to buy meat.  With the high price of petrol, doesn't the cost of fuel outweigh the savings on the meat?

    Another thing I find especially strange is the Russ!  Especially the Russebusser!  The whole idea of wearing the overalls every day, and spending so much money outfitting the buses is very unusual!  I can see how it would be great fun, but I think it's something that's very unique to Norway, since I've never heard of anything similar elsewhere!  And being woken up by a loud Russebuss at 2am is not so much fun!  ;-)

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