
Norwegians I need help!!?

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Hi =]

Um. I am in love with a norwegian guy... he speaks really good english and stuff... but I wanna' say something romantic in his language, can anyone help me say:

"If I could reach up and hold a star for every time you've made me smile, the entire evening sky would be in the palm of my hand. I just love you, for everything you are, and if the world was to end tomorrow I would just wish that I receive one gentle kiss, were our lips graze each others, and our eyes meet in the twilight sky. Then holding you, it's over."

I would love it if you could help... Norwegians, or people who know lots of Norwegian.


Emo princess.

Thanks =D




  1. This is Swedish, but in case you don't get any Norwegian answers, you'll have this. If he speaks Norwegian, he'll surely understand this.

    "Om jag kunde nå upp och ta en stjärna för varje gång som du har gjort mig le, så skulle den hel skyn finns i min hand bara. Jag älskar dig bara på grund av allt som du är, och vore världen att sluta dess existens, så skulle jag önska bara att jag kunde få en öm puss, vår läppar snuddar varandra, och våra ögon möter varandra i skymningen. Sen, medan håller dig, skullle världen bli borta evigt."

  2. Hvis jeg kunne nå opp og holde en stjerne for hver gang du har fått meg til å smile, ville hele kveldshimmelen være i min hånd. Jeg elsker deg for alt det du er, og hvis verden skulle ende i morgen ville jeg bare ønske å få et ømt kyss, at våre lepper skulle røre hverandre og øynene våre skulle møtes i solnedgangen. Så, mens jeg holder deg, ville alt være over.

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