
Nose and lip piercings???

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I'm a 12 year old girl and i was thinking about getting a piercing in the middle of the skool year or so. I wanna know how badly does a nose piercing hurt and how much does a lip piercing hurt. I would rather sum1 answer this question who has actually had it done lolz. Also i don't think my mom would let me do this so if you could add in sum tips of how i could persuade her 2 let me get 1. I know i'm kinda young 4 it but i don't care XD. Also i would be more demanding or rebelious 2 get a piercing but i have been in so much trouble lately i don't feel like getting in anymore lolz. So yea thanx!!!




  1. I haven't have a lip piercing but I have had a nose piercing and the only way to descibe the pain is kinda like if you got hit in the nose, it'll make your eyes water. But it only hurts as the needles going in. Afterwards it's really sore but it'll get better. But be careful because sometimes I forgot it was there and I would rub my nose and yanked my stud out. And it's really hard to deal with when I you have a cold and your nose is running.

    I ended up just letting mine close shut because I didn't want to hassal with it anymore, which in turn pissed my dad off cause he paid for it.

    Your a bit to young to get it done legally, I believe that there's an age limit for certain piercings, and I think the nose is like 15 or 16 with parental consent.

  2. wait till high school

    freshman/sophomore year

  3. DONT DO IT!!


  4. hmmm.. all i got to say is your mom is right..u shouldn't get a nose peircing or lip piercing!

    u are only 12! u will look like a freak show with your lip or nose me! people in your school would talk about u...

    u should wait till u get older...u should wait at least till high school?

  5. well..i'm not sure about a lip piercing :P, but a nose piercing will only hurt at first..they use a hollow needle to do it. u will shed a tear, cause that's just the effect a needle has going through an area like that. just tell ur mom that ur going to do it eventually, might as well let it be now..with her consent. it would prevent u from taking drastic measures in getting it (going somewhere unsanatory or where they actually let underage ppl get it done, cause that usually means an an unsanatory environment)-increasing the chance of infection and such..  

  6. I guess I had issues when I got my nose pierced at 13........YEAH RIGHT!  Anyway, when I got my nose pierced, it felt like someone pinched my nose REALLY hard.  I did have a tear come down my face (i wasn't crying).  I don't know why, but the pain just makes your eyes water.  Plus, my nose was sore for about a week.  However, I love wearing a nose-ring.  I have a really tiny nose-ring.  So, you can't see it unless your up close and personal.  Now, as far as asking my parents, my father didn't say much, but he left the answer up to my mother.  I begged and begged my mother to let me get my nose piereced.  I told her I would be responsible for keeping it clean. Finally, she allowed me to get my nose pierced.  So, maybe, if you sit down and explain to your mother that you will be responsible for the upkeep of the piercing, maybe she'll change her mind.  Make her trust you.  You may even have to show your responsibility by doing something unrelated to getting a piercing such as keeping your room clean, taking out the trash, or cleaning the house.  

    On the flip side of this, when you get older and become apart of corporate America, you're piercing(s) can't be shown.  You will have to take the nose or lip ring out.  That was something I was faced with after I graduated from highschool.  Then, I held a job where I couldn't wear piercings of any type except ear.  I can't even wear open-toed shoes in the summer.  People used to tell me before and after I got my nose pierced that I wouldn't be able to work and wear a nose ring.  At that time,  i stated that was something I would have to deal with when that time comes.  Now, the time has come and as i stated above, i love having a nosering, but it gets a little old because I'm older.  Maybe one day you will feel as I do now.

  7. Sweety nose and lip piercings are pretty hurtful specially when some kid is doing it! Appart fromt that it's also dangerous and I am soooo sure you will regret it in the long run... anyways to answer your question it can be compared to walking in glass without shoes!

    I doubt someone will give you advice on how to convince your mom, you are a 12 year old and that says a lot! Please take my advice and talk to a school counselour about the things that are going wrong with you or bothering you at home or school, sounds like you are having a lot of trouble from what you said. You don't need piercings at this age...

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