
Nose piercing! help?

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i want to get my nose piered on the side and i dont know where to go do can i go to the mall? on a scale of 1 to 10 how bad will it hurt can i get it done at 13??????




  1. You have to be 18 to get body modifications.  And no, no malls.  You'll have to go to a tattoo/piercing salon.

  2. You have to have parental consent, and the mall is not a good idea.

    Research professional piercers in your area, probably in a tattoo shop.

    Make sure they have sterile equipment and NO guns.

    APP ( certified piercers are the best, they should have a document displayed on their wall.

    I don't personally have one, but I've heard they hurt probably a 7.

  3. You can get it done at 13 with parental consent in some states. In some states there is no age with parental consent but in some you have to be 14 or 16. You must bring a birth certificate or some kind of identification and your parents must bring ID to show they are your parents.

    Do not get it done at the mall..most places in the mall are just kiosks (Piercing Pagoda) and they use guns. Guns cause trauma to cartilage with blunt objects which can cause it to shatter. Plus, guns cannot be properly sterile for they would melt in an autoclave which leaves other peoples' microbloodspray on the gun that can put you at risk for serious infection, hepatitis C and other blood related diseases.

    Piercings hurt more with guns than they do with hollow needles. But how much they hurt depends on your pain tolerance. For me, it hurt about a 4.
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