
Nose piercing i did myself?

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ok well the other day my moms like get ur nose pierced but i did it myself i got it all the way through but my nose rings wont go all the way through i dont know why (don't tell me to get it professionally done) but what can i do




  1. maybe get something smaller like a smaller ring

  2. You probably didn't make the hole big enough. Professionals use special types of needles (not just one from your mom's sewing kit) to peirce with and they range in size and standard nose rings conform to that size. You either need a bigger hole or a smaller ring to put in your nose.

  3. pros use a 6inch recieving needle that is pretty thick,

  4. Put the needle in and just twist it for an hour.

    This will help widen the hole!

    Then numb your nose if you have to, and shove that earring right in there.

    But be sure to twist it around frequently so that the hole will be nice and wide.

    If that doesn't work, get a thinner needle. The needle your using might just be too wide.

    (I know because I did this myself!!!)

  5. Bc normally you can't use nose rings when u first get ur nose pierced! U have to keep a stud in until it heals.

  6. nose rings turn me on

  7. ok don't mess with that hole anymore...go to a piercing center and ask em to put it in for might have to give em 10 bucks or something  

  8. You can't put a ring in right away, you have to get a stud in first and then when it heals you can put all that fancy jewelry in it. It probably won't go through because you have cartilage inside your nose and the needle has to go through that too not just the skin. I would suggest letting it heal and then try again WITH A STUD and see if that works. If it doesn't stop trying because it may get infected and see a pro.

  9. umm  make it wider!

  10. well. my friend did her lip by herself and it got seriously infected. so yeah. but try doing studs, it widens the whole for a bigger ring.

  11. it will prbably get infected.. so i suggest taking it out and letting it close dont want an infection gathering around your jewellry if you do get them thru!! honestly.. i kno u dont want to pay but you dont want it going horribly wrong honey


  12. well i pierced my nose myself too and i had the same problem and wut i did was i took the needle again and i pushed it through a second time and then it worked but i numbed it first eiht ice so it woulnt hurt that much! hope i helped u :)

  13. hey well i got ym nose pierced done..but professionally,,

    but id say clean it constantlyso it wot get infected bc it hurts!

    and yes get a bigger needle and put the ring in right after and it will be painfull..and the cell membranses in ur nose are always alive..the hole will close in 15 minutes bc it is always active and why it hursts so much..

    but i will say that if u want less hasltle and less pain it will take 5 mins for the guy to do it for you :S

    neways i hope i helped a bit =]

  14. You can remove it, stop trying and clean it with sea salt solution twice a day and not be so stupid next time.

    Go and get it done properly, that means by a PROFESSIONAL. Yes i know you didn't want to hear that but tough.

  15. i know you don't want to hear it but it'll probably get infected if you don't get it professionally done.

    when your skin is pierced it natrually tries to defend itself by closing the open hole you should've kept the needle in longer and wiggled it around so your nose can get use to it.

    you might as well let it close up now.

    but it'll hurt worse next time because of the scar tissue.  

  16. i don't recommend nose piercings, but if you're insistant on doing it, you can insert something like a pen cap, or something wide in it, to stretch it out.

  17. make the hole wider.  

  18. you need to use a thicker needle. but you should wait till you see a professional.

  19. Ok, well it depends on what you pierced it with. Whatever you pierced it with may have been too small compared to the ring itself. It will probably be a bit painful if you try to push the nose ring through right now. I would tell you to get it LOOKED at by a professional piercer, though. Also, you have to be careful and clean it regularly because infection could set in, since you did it yourself.  

  20. k try to get another nose ring and use the ball hold on the other stud or ring

  21. Wow. you need help. you gotta get prfessianally done. DER or else ur gonna s***w it up! it could get infected! just go to a freaken salon.

  22. You didn't pierce it large enough for the ring to go through. The needle went through, but the hole inside the cartilage isn't wide enough for the ring. Pierce it through the hole again but move it around a bit.

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