
Nose piercing question? please answer, URGENT!!!? I made the volleyball team and..?

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I got my nose pierced on thurs. i had a volleyball scrimmage friday and covered it with a band-aid (i thought this would be acceptable, last spring i had a friend who got her nose pierced during LAX season which is much more of a contact sport then volleyball, she did this and there was no conflict) but anyways, my coach told me i wasnt allowed to have it. i was wondering, would it be safe for me to change my piercing to a clear one in such a short healing period? it absolutley MUST be changed to something not noticable or taken out before wednesday, which is my first game. please help!!!

p.s. the other day i was in the shower and it came out, so i know that it is kind of painful to get back in.

p.p.s. i tried covering it with concealer a few days ago, it didnt work. i really dont want to take it out, it wouldve been a $45 waste of money, not to mention the time, effort, and pain..




  1. ussually it has to either be taken out or warm the bench.

    you cant have bobby pins in your hair or any jewelery...

    your team will be penalized if your caught with it.

    i dont know what state your playing in but in AZ we can put athgletic tape over earings.

  2. If you're going to play in games, the ref will make you take it out or you'll have to ride the bench.  If you're caught with jewelry during the game, your team will be penalized a side-out and you'll be instructed to leave the court until it comes out.

    Take it out, get it redone after the season's over.

  3. I am sorry that you got the piercing before the season.  

    Jewelry is not allowed.  It is not allowed during the warmups or during the game.  Your team will be penalized with a time out for unnecessary delay.  Your team will be penalized for you.  It can not be covered up by tape in any state.  (I checked with my source on high school rules.  She travels the country teaching the high school rules clinics.)  No state would grant such an exception with the possibility of injury.  Lawsuits would be in the millions of dollars.  I read about a lawsuit where the player sued the umpire for allowing a baseball game to continue without a batter's box.  The player was hurt and won $52 million dollars.  How much do you think the jury would award someone hurt by the state allowing an exception to the jewelry rule that the entire world follows?  Jewelry is not allowed in any set of rules used in the United States.  It is not allowed in the FIVB international rules.  

    You should not do any coverup for your personal safety.  I teach USAV refereeing clinics and I have found a picture of a player that had their earring ripped out, including the tape.  The  very bottom of the ear lobe was also gone.  A triangular piece of the ear lobe was gone.  

    Summing it up, if you try to cover it up, your team will be penalized and you could have a serious injury.  

    If you take it out and put it back in after each game or have it pierced again after the season, it will cost you $45.  You should be able to do the math.

  4. well my friend tried something like this and because my coach told her to take it out before she got to be a bench warmer the rest of the its up to you....piercings or volleyball...but if you are passionate about volleyball i'd  take out hte nose ring!

  5. our coach dosnt let us wear any jewlry, and for good reason, you get hit in the face and your nose will be ripped to shreds, it happend to me friends ear at camp this summer.

  6. Honestly, I think you shouldn't of gotten it in the first place and you need to deal with the pain of taking it out for each volleyball game!

    Why in the world would you get a piercing right before a sport any way!!!

  7. Either take it out, let it heal and get it re-pierced after season, or, you can use a spacer:

    Take a piece of fishing line that's a few inches long and tie a knot at the end of it. Take a lighter and for a few seconds, burn the knot to hold it in place. If the knots smaller than the hole in your nose, you may have to tie another directly on top of it.

    Trim the line past the end of the knot, so that it is an the very end of the line. Cut the other end down so the entire thing is a quarter inch to half an inch long. Bend the un-knotted end 90 degrees with tweezers or pliers and there you have an almost invisible, safe spacer for your nose piercing.

    Since it's soft plastic, it's legal in most leagues. Plus, its clear, small and once you start playing almost impossible to see.

    Just make sure you aren't touching your face/nose constantly throughout the game, or the other team/refs will get suspicious.

  8. I'm not sure what State you live in but, in many states the jewelery ban is made by the governing body and not by the coach personally. For Ex: In MA MIAA rules state jewelery is not permitted during game play. Participants disregarding this rule are warned or carded and the team can receive a Yellow or Red card as well dependant upon the # offense. It stinks that your piercing may close up but, one of my girls takes hers out for practice and games and puts it back in as soon as we are finished. Bottom line is you can't hope to conceal or hide it. You'll unfortunately have to choose which matters more. The pain of putting your nose ring back in regularly or playing Volleyball.  Next time be sure you pierce as soon as the season ends to allow sufficiant healing time and avoid the wasted cost.

    Good Luck!

  9. why would u do that before game????????????

  10. I know that in the WIAA (Wisconsin), you have to cover any sort of piercings with tape.  I had gotten my ears pierced during volleyball season, and I had to wear athletic tape on my ears during games (very embarrassing).  I don't know how they would rule on a facial piercing, with it being something a bit more dangerous to the player if they were to be hit with the ball.  

    But to be perfectly honest with you, I think that this was something you should have asked your coach about BEFORE doing it.  I did inquire about my ears before getting them done, and got the a-ok.  I think that if your coach states that it isn't acceptable, then you must choose between the piercing and the volleyball team.

  11. well well i am from we are not not suppose to have earings or piercings on unless they are taped with sports tape thats fine... if not take it out,,, plus i am sure it wont close up for an hour or so while your playing.... if not just tape it.... if u dont u will be kicked off the court by the reff and a point will be taken away or a point wil be given to the other team...

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