
Nose rings. need info.?

by  |  earlier

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so I'm 14, an i REALLY want a little stud. just a tiny little diamond. I'm not S****y, but i just LOVE those little nose rings!!

so. pain. thats a generic question. i never got my wears peirced, btw.

then is here any other stuff i should know? upkeep?

can you give me an EXAMPE of the pain?

and ive been hearing that you SHOULDNT use the gun....why and how else woud you do it?

hahah sorry i want so much info!




  1. Ok, well i have my nose done, and there is nothing to it. i sometimes forget that i have it in. i got it done with the gun and it didnt hurt near as bad as your thinking. its really Fast! and when theyre done, the only kind of pain youll feel is just like a warm burning...just like it does with getting ears pierced. mine has never been infected before or anything. i had to take it out over the summer for one of my summer jobs, and when it was time to go back to school, after a whole summer of not having it in, i was able to push it through the small bit of skin that had grown up over it and it went right in and looked just as normal as before. the only upkeep i use is washing my face every night, and take your warm rag and gently rub around it and under it. the one big think...dont touch it alot. thats how it will get infected. and about the gun, im no piercing expert, so i really dont know how else they would do it. Hope this helps GirL.  Good Luck. you should do just fine.

  2. it probly hurt like a 4 on a scale of 1-10 lol i still haven't got my "wears" pierced either but i want a belly button ring[;  

  3. Oh boy...

    Well, for starters, you must, must, must get it done professionally. Trust me. I've had my navel pierced three times. The first time it was not professional, and my skin started to reject the jewelry and push it out - it was pushing through each layer of skin, moving forward. Very painful, left a lot of scar tissue, and I had to get it re-pierced through the scar tissue. So, professionals are important. And I mean professional - a good, clean shop who wears gloves, used sterilized (straight out of the package) materials, and who you feel safe with.

    Now, the gun is a big no-no, because that just pushes the skin, and then all the skin will be left as a big lump on the inside of your nose. The skin lump could start to die, and then you would have rotting flesh inside your nose.

    Instead, a professional piercer will use a hollow, stainless steel, surgical grade needle to pierce you. The pierced skin will go into the hole in the needle and the needle will be discarded.

    Upkeep is very important, or you'll have green ooze coming out of the piercing when you get an infection - gross. Your professional piercer will give you proper care instructions.

    The pain isn't the worst pain ever - the fact that a real needle is used, rather than a gun, makes it way less painful. It's extremely sore for the first hour or so, and you'll probably go into a little bit of shock - you'll get shaky, nauseous - it's important to have some non-diet soda or candy around to help raise your blood sugar after the piercing. It'll be mildly sore for the next few days, sore to the touch for a week or three, and then the pain will be gone. The piercing itself wont be fully healed for several months, and you wont be allowed to remove or change your jewelry until it's fully healed.

    But, I cannot stress enough - get it done professionally. It is worth the money. It will be less painful, the chance of infection will drop drastically, and there's less of a chance your body will reject it (which leaves a lot of scarring).

    Use this - to find a trust worthy piercer in your area. That site is also a good resource for information on safe piercings that are as risk free as possible.

    And, lastly, wanting a nose piercing doesn't and would never make you a s***k.

  4. Mmkay, they get infected easily. Also, it feels as if you are being pinched for a brief second.

  5. no.. if you go to the tattoo parlor or wherever you're going and they have a gun, DONT get it done! they have a special technique that they use for piercings like the nose and belly button.. the gun can actually damage your nose. they use like a needle thing.. you should check on youtube

  6. Hey there.  No it doesn't hurt one bit.  I got mine a few months ago and the lady laugh because I just sat there.  Well I after I watch another person get theirs done the started screaming and the needle didn't even touch her.

    All piecers are different on the care.  I used earcare solutions and bactine.  The solution would clean the inside and the bactine would clean the outside.  Also bactine will help to pervent infection.

    You do not want to take out your ring for 3 months.  That is how long it will take for you noses to heal.  Make sure that you turn your ring during the day to pervent it from closing on your ring.

    Using a gun is very unsanutary.  The gun carries germs and bactria for the other persons body.  DO NOT DO IT AT HOME!!!!!!  If you do it at home you will be taking the biggest risk of getting a staff infection.  You can also get it from the gun.

    Well I hope this helps you and good luck with your piercing.

    Have a good day

  7. It is nothing like getting your ears pierced. When you get the lobes of your ears pierced, it does not hurt at all; it just makes your ears feel really warm afterwards.

    Now when you get your nose pierced, the most important thing to make sure of is that it is in a professional and clean place.

    They'll use a pen or something to mark the point where the stud will go in so that it will look right. Normally they'll have you make a huge grin, or skrunch your face up to do that.

    The piercer should have you lie on your side (so that it doesn't bleed all over). After cleaning the area that will be pierced, they usually apply some numbing gel.

    They will hold a Q-tip on the inside of the side of the nose to be pierced, and they use a needle to pierce it. Then they are very quick to insert the stud.

    Using a gun is bad, because there's a chance of it getting stuck... and that would hurt! Not to mention, the hole will probably be bigger (but not too much) than what it should be, so studs will fall out easier and it may take longer to heal.

    ***In my opinion, it didn't hurt. It just felt like there was an uncomfortable pressure on the side of my nose for a few seconds and it was over. Like a pinch.

    When it comes to the types of studs, DON'T ever get the kind with the little ball on the end because everytime you pull it out it rips up the scar tissue, which commonly causes infections, and infections on nose piercings are very unnatractive. Like a huge red pimple! The type with the L hook isn't a good idea either, as they tend to fall out too easily and it literally only takes like 3 seconds for the hole to start to close, especially if it's new. So when you change studs (you shouldn't often) you will have to probably push it through a tiny bit of skin.

    Clean it often. And don't spray hairspray around it! If you must use hairspray or anything like that (air freshener for example), cover it up or you may get permanent little bumps around your piercing area that look like zits.

    If you want to know anything else, feel free to ask me. Hope this helped.

    And one more thing: there's nothing S****y about a nose stud!

  8. Go to a professional piercer so you don't get an infection or a big bump on your nose. Don't put alcohol or peroxide on it, use salt water or it will dry out and get infected.

    It hurts about as much as having a needle gently passed through your flesh.

    Hope this helps


  10. I got my nose pierced at 14.I thought it was gonna hurt a lot but it happened so fast that i barely felt it.

  11. Answer: Dont get it!!

  12. Okay, have you ever shoved a pine-cone inside of your shaft?

    Or have you ever accidentally dropped a wrench on your nuts?

    Yeah, its kind of like that, but on your nose.  

  13. Pain=it REALLY hurts & mine bled :|

    upkeep=clean it with antibactiral soap AND sea salt mixed with water :)

    example of pain ROFL=a large hallow needle being shoved through your nose.

    Gun=Oh gosh no.please dont do swells & gets infected,go to a professional body piercer & they use a hollow needle and sometimes they will clamp your nose,just go and go onto youtube and type "nose piercings "

    ALSO you need your guardians consent MEANING that they need to take you and sign papers & release forms

    Good Luck x ♥ ♥

  14. just do it  dont be a p***y

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