
Nosiy Neighbour?

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I live in an apartment and my upstairs neighbour is aways making noise. Not noise like music but always walking really loudly which really iratates me. Like like night she woke me up in the middle of the night. I have complained many times but she still does it . What should I do? Who should I complain to?




  1. Complain to the owner. She should be able to take care of things for you. And If it still continues tell the owner again, more seriously and tell her she keeps stomping, and waking me up in the middle of the night, and how you asked her to stop several times! Good luck. [=

  2. Some people naturally have 'elephant feet'. Meaning they walk loudly or even stomp, and aren't aware of what they're doing. If talking to the neighbor or the landlord hasn't helped, see what you can do about getting acoustic tiles on your ceiling to help soften the sound.

    Good luck!

  3. I guess to the security , then call the Real Esate company owning ur building.If all  fails , call  911 (ok not 911 , but the local police)

    but still , it's here right to walk in HER apartment , and I don't think you have a valid reason to stop her

  4. My family has the exact same problem!!!! I remember how when i was younger, I'd be doing my homework or trying to go to sleep and all I hear is "STOMP! STOMP! STOMP!" I would always ask my mom if i could go upstairs and ask them to keep it down but my mom says "no" cause they're old so i shouldnt say stuff like that to them! There isnt anything we can really do but it still annoys the c**p outta me!!!!! so I know exactly where you're coming from!

  5. You could complain to the apartment owners, but that could lead to other problems, you could tick them off or your complaint could simply be ignored.  I would try to talk to your neighbors in a non-confrontational way.  If you really can't do that, leave a note.  Say something like,

    "Hi, I'm your neighbor from downstairs, and I don't want to be annoying, but sometimes it's kind of noisy at night and I was wondering if you could just be mindful of that when it gets late.  I would really appreciate it."

    Make sure they know you're not trying to be a pain in the you-know-what, that you just want some quiet after a certain time.  Hopefully they'll understand.

  6. I hate to break this to you...

    But they can walk as LOUDLY as they like.

    Next time take the TOP apartment.

    Complain to your GIRLFRIENDS... because - people have the right to walk on their floors, as you do.

  7. it's normal for those who live in an apartment.. it's good when you always keep complaining.. i think it's better if you complain to the centre of your apartment like BIRO(if you have it and if you is in Malaysia).. who knows maybe they help you..

  8. There's not much you can do other than wear ear plugs or move.

  9. The apartment complex has not put in adequate sound proofing technology. There are so many things available. Acoustically there needs to be something to cushion the noise. If the person is handicapped and can't walk too well then it may be difficult to solve. Try researching sound proofing for apartments technology to see if there's anything that can be done.

  10. complain to the person that gives out the apartments. or u can try to send her fake letters from the police to scare her. jk

  11. God I HATE that, and I had to deal with  the same thing. OK for ONE thing, the next place you live, make sure to live on the top floor! That's what I did, and it was a whole different world.

    For right now, talk to her ONE more time, and say if you can't come to a resolution together, you are going to talk to the apartment manager.

  12. you should call the cops or go to the cops in the day time and tell them!

  13. Contact her landlord, agency and put in writing your concerns.

    If you get no joy ring the council noise abatement officer.
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