
Nostradamus, The end of the world, and the way to use it?

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Everyone knows full well about Nostradamus, the mayans, and the end of the world and i'm sure people some people believe it and ,supposedly, things have been getting worse and worse in the world but is it because the world is going to end in a few years or is it that the nations leaders have read the same end of the world stories you have and decided to make it happen to incite terror.




  1. Why would anyone want to "make it happen"?Everyone also knows that the revelations (?) by Nostradamus,can be interpreted to mean absolutely anything the interpreter wants them to be.

  2. Well, Bush belongs to an Armageddon type Christian church.

    There's been speculation that he's trying to help it along, but I think it's more because he's a fumblebutt.

    We're in a period of rapid change in history.

    Rapid change always brings conflict.

    We have to find a new plateau of peace, and we will, in time.

  3. wow... i dont even know how to begin to answer this question... but here goes...

    the end of the world is what you make of it. there are so many different theories as to whats gonna happen, its like 'take your pick'.

    nostradamus had his prophecies, the mayans have their calendar (which btw has never been wrong), the bible says the revelations is how its gonna happen... but there also a few others. paul solomon who is a modern day prophet and has had predictions so accurate the US government banned the book that HAD all those predictions in it. he predicted almost everything thats happened thus far, from the war in the middle east (to how its going to end), to assassinations of key political figures, to the literal shifting of the world.then theres william cooper who is almost a huge conspiracy buff (that was oddly enough killed in a shootout with police in some conspiracy-style way)... its insane. the history channel has some GOOD shows on the end of the world.

    seriously, nowadays, its like 'take your pick'. im sure theres one thing everyone can agree on... and that is that the world WILL end. it only question is how. unless we can all learn to live TOGETHER and stop fighting over our dumb a#$ little differences, its going to h**l in a hand basket.  

  4. that is a very good phalosafy

    i was freaking out and started reading the bible and all that

    i believe it but only to a certain extent

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