
Nostradamus prediction on the first black president?

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Nostradamus prediction on the first black president?




  1. Nostradamus could have predicted the end of the Dinosaurs if you tried hard enough..

  2. Let's see, he said:

    "The first black president of the United States of America will be a man with the surname Obama.  He will be elected to office in the year of our lord 2008."

    But really, that's so general it could be used to predict almost anything.

  3. Nope, nothing.

    Also Nostradamus never used "past events" because the idea of an "iron fish under the sea, as a weapon to make war" did not even exist in his time period.

    That was talking about submarines oh wait sorry, it was an "interpretation."

    gimme a break.

  4. Nostradamus used events of the past as predictors of the future, which is a clever strategy because variations of similar events do tend to occur.  He obfuscated his predictions by using vague, metaphorical language which lent itself to many interpretations.  Another excellent ploy for those who want to appear prescient.  The human desire to use the occult to appear to be able to know and control future events takes us the rest of the way.  Ever notice how "predictions"  are never spelt out in a way that is of any value?  Its just a form of entertainment. If you take it for anything more you are realizing the statement of the great P.T.Barnum, "There's a sucker born every minute."

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