
Nostradamus- what do you think.....? ?

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i know theres debate in wether he could see the future or not....

but say if he did- was he psychic or something, or was it his dreams that told the future.

tell me what you think. :)





  1. He made no effort to conceal his method of future telling. He made it very well known.

    He would pear into a bowl of water and see the future.

    I think he looked back in time and then made guesses.

    The time scales were vague to say the least. Apart from one!

    Things like predicting the rise of Hister (Hitler), amazing.

    The scariest one was when he was re buried in a proper burial. He left instructions that a chain be placed around his neck with a number on it.

    That number corresponded to the year he was buried!

  2. I can't sat yes and I can't so no... But what I do know is that when you are looking for fault, Many time the truth will evades you... And I think that is what happens to a lot of people that refuses to believe for selfish reasons....................

  3. This letter to his son - Cesar may help

    you decide ....

    Your late arrival, Cesar Nostredame, my son, has made me spend much time in constant nightly reflection so that I could communicate with you by letter and leave you this reminder, after my death, for the benefit of all men, of which the divine spirit has vouchsafed me to know by means of astronomy.

    Also bear in mind that the events here described have not yet come to pass, and that all is ruled and governed by the power of Almighty God, inspiring us not by bacchic frenzy nor by enchantments but by astronomical assurances: predictions have been made through the inspiration of divine will alone and the spirit of prophecy in particular.

    Full letter here:

  4. there is no serious debate. if you read any of his rubbish you will see straight away that most of it could refer to just about anything. he has never predicted anything with any reasonable accuracy.  

  5. Hello,

    You really do not get a good idea of the future from his writings and people tend to shoe horn various events into his vague predictions.


    Michael Kelly

  6. He was a known Occultist and Alchemist, so both simple and complex methods of divination would have been familiar to him.  

  7. He used drugs to enhanced his prediction/vision.  Like Duke said no one really know it's a prediction until it happens.  

  8. I believe that he astrally traveled during the night and went, effectively into the future in his astral body.  A bit like dreaming but actually being there and remebering everything!

  9. It was utter dribble. None of it makes sense, and the "predictions" are fitted to the verses only after the event.

  10. He wasn't able to do that.

    He used a combination of drugs and intelligence to guess the future.

  11. Allegedly he predicted the terrorist attacks in 2001, Brian winning Big Brother 8 and the second world war.

    Unfortunately though, nobody realised he had predicted them until after they had happened.  

    He was basically really good at writing generic horoscopes, such as you would find nowadays in the Metro, which can be interpreted pretty much however they need to be interpretted and can be made to fit any situation.

  12. He could not have guessed so many things so closely without being at least a little bit prophetic!  

    He was a prophet.  Not a psychic.

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