We recently moved house, much as Mum and I didnt want to but had no choice, into the village. She walks our elderly dog every morning in the nearby woods. Our dog is no problem, friendly and keeps herself to herself. This morning however, this guy who lives a few doors away stopped her without little introduction and started having a go at her, saying that our dog should be on a lead, even though she is well behaved and doesnt cause any trouble. He also started having a go at her and making assumptions that my Mum wasnt carrying a dog poo bag with her, even though she explained to him that she had got a clean one in her pocket and had put the dirty one in a bin. His Jack Russell dog was also being very vicious to our dog. My Nan who lives nearby says to ignore him, but I am angry he has made my Mum feel so unwelcome and spoke before he then thought. He walks about alot with his dogs, do I have a right to say anything to him if I see him about his rudeness to Mum, and how vicious the dogs our to our own one? Just worried seeing as it is a small village that word will spread about us. Thanks