
Not Married To Father..Can i move when baby is born?

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This question is for anyone who has been in a simular situation or knows anything about this really. I am currenly living in Alberta Canada, althouhg i am from another province here in Canada.

I am 6 months pregnant... what rights will the father have once this baby is born?

We are not married.

WIll I automatically have full custody or do i have to go to court to do so once the baby is born?

I want to know because i am considering moving back home out of the province., will i be able to do that after the baby is born without the fathers permission if he doesnt take me to court?

What if i go home to have the baby, which province will the bbay have to be in ? Any info would help a lot !

I am just not sure where i want to live, but would like to try staying in ALberta so the father can be around his child but am not sure if he will be dependable so am only going to do so if i will have the legal option of leaving if its not working.

Would it make sense for me to have the baby where i am from and move back to alberta to try things out?




  1. from my understanding when you have a baby and are not wed....the mother has full custody....the father has no rights. The only way he can get those rights is by taking it to court, stating he is the father of the child, and once its in the courts and he has rights and some sort of custody you can not move out of town, etc with out his prior permission..That is what a lawyer told me because I am going through the same situation.  

  2. I know in the states (America) the father has no rights to the baby until court issues him some via child support etc, if you guys aren't married.

  3. sorry im frm america but i know here. a mother has all rights until she lets the father sign the birth cerficate. in that case if he does and she moves it can be considered kid napping. but please call you social services or hospital and ask someone of authority there

  4. You will have full rights when the baby is born. The father has to fight for his rights and you can move wherever you want to until he does so. And he has to file before you move. He cant make you come back once you have moved.

  5. I'm from ontario and pretty sure if you don't put his name on the birth certificate you would have full custody.  The only problem you may have down the line is if he wants to be in her life, then it might put you in court for custody, but it doesn't mean you can't live in another province.    

  6. I'm not completely sure on this but because he is the biological father he will have rights to his child.  You might have to go to court to get him to sign his parental rights away to you.  This is why when putting a baby up for adoption both parents must sign away their parental rights when possible.  He can fight to keep you here because it is his child as well, unless he signs away rights.  He may be able to charge you with kidnapping if you leave with your child without his permission.  This comes from being a child of divorce in Alberta Canada.  My dad or mom had to sign a letter to say they gave the other parent permission when travelling so neither one of them could say that I was kidnapped by the other.  You can always call the government office and ask them, they will probably give you more information.  Good luck.

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