
Not a baby but a child? what does this mean?

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what does having a dream about a 5 or 6 year old boy signify?

he just turned around and was smiling.

he had brown hair and brown eyes.

he was small and was wearing black I think.

I have dreamt about him twice.




  1. It means you're pregnant.

  2. Maybe you will soon be having a child...or you will meet this little boy somewhere in your travels.  

  3. Do you have children? Have you lost a child? (sorry for the brunt questions).  

    Children  - Children in your dream(s) can represent your interior, emotional, needs. A desire to return to a more simple and easy way of life can be indicated by a dream of children. It can also symbolize a longing for the past or for a chance to satisfy repressed desires and unrealized dreams. It is common for parents, who have lost children, to dream of them until the parents have come to terms with their child's passing.

  4. A person's dream usually reflects a hidden desire or longing deep in the unconscious mind. If the same dream pattern keeps returning, it is  that the mind is still tracking on a certain matter and hoping for a relief.

    Dreaming of a smiling child twice could mean a likewise connection of everyday life is still trying to get a substitute of the answer when u sleep.  U have something still day dreaming.It is still a happy situation so far when it turns in night dreaming.

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