
Not a real question. Just a fun thought.?

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Hey I just had a thought. What if school was like mall? And instead of stores, they'd be classrooms in their place. And there would lunch in the food court! Or how bout after school, the classrooms change into stores! Kinda stupid but... what do you think?? LOL




  1. When I lived in Denver during the early 1970s, there was an eating establishment set up like that.  It was built inside what had once been one of those "big box" discount marts like Target or K-Mart that had gone out of business.  When you went in the front door, you were given a ticket.  Then you went around to all sorts of little, mini-restaurants and got whatever you wanted from each, and they would punch the right space on your ticket for whatever you got.  In the center, there was a dining area with chairs, tables and pretty indoor landscaping that was full of potted trees and flowers.  When you left, the cashier at the "out" door would tally up your ticket.

    It was called "THE YUM-YUM TREE" and I have never seen another place quite like it.  (I suppose it could possibly be described as a sort of combination mall food-court and buffet, but for its time and place, it was truly unique.)

    It DOES seem like a good idea in theory, but I'm not sure it could work in practice.

    The main problem would be that the popular classes would be overcrowded and the less popular, but still necessary, ones would be avoided and almost empty most of the time.

    Also, how many students would just hang out socializing in the "food court" area and not take any classes at all?

    If it were to be tried, though, one of the facilities within it could be a "testing room" where tests would be given on all the subjects taught in the various classrooms.  To prevent cheating, each student could have an electronically coded card (with his/her picture on it, of course) that would be swiped at the door to each classroom and would record which classes he/she had been to and which subjects that student had been tested in and what the resulting grade was.

    The part about the classrooms changing into stores after hours is totally impractical, though.  To move a whole store-full of inventory and display furniture into and out of a place every day would be just too time-consuming and labor-intensive. - not to mention, where would all the store fixtures and merchandise be stored during school hours?

  2. how about No?

  3. At a high level, the concept would save energy by utilizing space and resources in multiple ways.  It would certainly reduce the carbon footprint for the functions that are provided in that one area.

    However, at a pragmatic level, it is indeed impractical and impossible to implement.

    Food for thought, though.

  4. yes.this`s good for kids but its not avilable in this time will be in the new period.and it is also  not good because it will oly or the kids because schools r for kids.  :-)

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