
Not a rich man- moving to the Philippines to be with a Philippino woman, good idea?

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My really good friend informed me that he has purchased a one way ticket to the Philippines and will be leaving next week. He met a woman on a web sight and has been talking to her for about a year. He does not have much money, and has sold all his stuff and already packed 2 suitcases and will be on his way... He is tall, white, and has red hair... he'll stick out like a soar thumb! I'm so scared for his safety too. I hear that Americans are captured and held hostage for money. Should I just stay out of it and see what happens?? How do you trust someone that you have talked to only electronically?




  1. I don't think that there is anything that you can do, he appears to be determined. I agree with you, I would be concerned for his safety.

    And you never trust another person over the web enough to sell everything you own and move to another country..  I believe he is too trusting.  In fact, I wouldn't trust anyone enough to fly or drive to another state for a meeting.  I guess you need to make a frequent effort of keeping in contact with him, and if it goes sour, he may need help getting back home.. Friends are always needed.....  

  2. I think the total number of Americans kidnapped in the Philppines since WWII is like less than 10.  So I wouldn't worry about that, but in Mexico city and other places lik Aruba Americans are kidnapped regularly.  

    He won't last long with little money in PI, but he will probably have a good time and enjoy himself immensely.  You're firend is probably just smitten and wants to take a chance for love.  If you love him so much, tell him your feelings and make a move now before it's too late.

  3. First problem he will have is he cannot come here on a one way ticket unless he is a dual citizen. They will not let him board the airplane in the states. He must have a return ticket.

    He can stay here up to 14 months on tourist visa extensions.

    As long as he has an income of at least $600 a month coming in at a minimum he will be okay provided he has no major health problems.

    Some internet romances actually work here. I would just standby your friends decision and not judge the situation. After all, you admitted you have never been here. Don't worry he will be fine.

    I am 6'2 and 260lbs and stick out like a sore thumb here. Never had a problem.

  4. you are referring to the ABU SAYYAF. if i spelled that correctly. that is a terrorist group under osama bin laden. they do that, yes, but if you stay away from their island you will most likely be ok. i asked my family, they said leave them alone and they will leave you alone. they have their own island, i believe its southern philippines. im sure your friend will be ok.

    he should marry her. filipinas are great!! i know!! lol. dont judge people if you dont know them. not all people are bad. i know you are trying to protect him, but he is a grown man. you cant protect him forever.

  5. Bad idea. I love the Philippines but it's an acquired taste, and if he is  a materialistic type he will probably hate the place. All those white people mentioned above tend to gravitate towards the wealthy areas so if your friend stays in the poorer areas or outside the city he WILL attract a lot of attention. You should wish him well as he may find a wonderful life there but tell him DON"T GO IF YOU CAN'T AFFORD A RETURN TICKET. Finally, kidnap is not really a worry except in certain areas of Southern Mindanao.

  6. I moved here or should i say got stuck here 1 and a half years ago very bad deal forget work here man and if he is going to the lower Island where I am Butuan, Davo the US will not help if in need here the US calls this Island the wild west and they are wright if someone kills someone here and family has no money then no case the man that kills walks free it is all a money game no or little money u r f__cked man hope he is going to Manila or Cebu he safe there  

  7. Ok I'll give it to you straight. They won't let you into the country without proof or a return ticket! So your mate is going to be turned around quick. Also foreigners have next to no chance finding work there because there are already millions of unemployed filipino's and what chance does your friend who I pressume doesn't speak the language,know the local customs and is putting it bluntly getting ahead of himself. The stuff you hear about americans being captured does happen but not as bad as one thinks. My advice is to tell this mate of yours that he should first visit if he hasn't already and see what the conditions are like on the ground and if infact this girl is any good or not. You can't stay there for good especially if your a foreigner there are rules and your friend is going to be rudely awakened to reality. Slap him in the head and tell him to slow down and really think it over because the honest to go truth is that the Philippines isn't a forgiving place for someone who goes there half assed about it all.  

  8. well he must be pretty desperate. he maybe happy there. i know alot of americans marry and stay there maybe he will be happy there i have not heard what you are talking about there. but hey there is something for every country that isn't free. take care and worry.

  9. He will be fine as long as he maintains his best behavior. Our country is beautiful and people are basically friendly and hospitable. There many different nationalities who are happy living here and enjoying it. I have many female friends who are married to Japanese, Australians, British, and Americans and they look very happy and contented.

  10. yes he will stick out ..  but not like a sore thumb.. there are 1000's of white people there...  where is he going in the philippines.. Manila, Cebu, Davao city?

    the southern island of mindinao hold the most terrorists, but they are in the mountains, and remote area's..  they capture whites travel thru thier area, they want money to fund thier cause.  not all are moslems either.  

    i am an american, married to a filipina, from davao city, on the island of mindinao.  she keeps me safe.

    philipinos are wonderful people, they like americans, and the are gracious and hospitipal to westerners.

    i met my wife the same way.  i went to the philipinnes 1 year ago ..  i had a great time there.   the american dollar goes 45 to 1 there.   45 of thier pesco's to 1 american dollar.  

    there are 1000's of retired westerners there, (american, british, australian, other europeans)  stretching their money, living extremely cheap there.  you can buy a brand new house for less than 50-thousand dollars.  but u can rent a house for 55 dollars a month. a can of pop is about 30 cents.  

    philippino women are attracted to white men too.  its not just about money, ..  they like blue eyes, broad shoulders,  musclur, our hair too.   we are just different..

    Divorce is illegal there too.  couples then usually just seperate then, and they cant marry again. The Catholic church has a very strong presence there, its because of  Spain, infulence from the 1600's.  then America won it from Spain.  Check your American history, or Philippino history its online.

    Like I said, i have a filipina wife, I love her very much.  we married in the philippines, 8/17/07..  

    I will retire one day there too.

    email me..

  11. Can you tell us where he will be staying? The city or province?

    Like others have said, he will need a return ticket or they won't let him through the gates.

    He will stick out, he will get looks, but he'll be one of many other thousands of foreigners in the Philippines, and people will quickly ignore him if they see him regularly.

    He'll be safe. He just needs to be friendly and not flaunt his wealth, which from your description, should not be a problem.

    won't say anything about the girl, because it seems he's already made his decision.

    I know Americans and Filipino-Americans who have come to work and and others who retired in Baguio (a nice city with good weather), iIocos (northern region), subic bay, manila... cebu/bohol... they've done well, but they have money, unlike your friend.

    id be worried about his income. if he does some kinda work in the Philippines, most likely its going to be teaching English to Koreans, Japanese or Chinese kids under the table, until he settles down and gets his paperwork handled.

    by US standards it won't be much, but it will be better than most of the populations income. if he lives like a local, he should be OK.

    .... that's the crux of the problem... can he live like a local?

    once that airport door slides open, the heat and humidity will rush towards his face... that's when reality will hit him... this ain't America...


    Manila? It's city and a big metropolitan region.

    That could mean he's actually going to Manila the city... or another city within the general Manila region... from really nice places like Makati or Ortigas where it's basically a 1st world environment to slums where a toilet is basically a hole in the ground....

    If he's going to live anywhere in Manila, he's going to need money. He can't work legally, and if he can't work and bring in the money, I'm not sure how he's going to survive, let alone keep his girl...

    Now if his girl has money, that's a total different story...

    Other than that, it's fairly safe as long as he's wary of his environment. Doesn't do anything stupid like follow a stranger into an alley, etc...

    again, because his income is going to be limited, it's going to come down to...can he live like a local?

  12. I agree with you on this. I have never understood why the heck a person would consider to shack up with somebody they've met on the Internet and whom they have never met in person.  Racial, cultural, gender and geographic issues aside, it still defies common sense. Sure they say love defies common sense but that's probably why 50% of marriages to Americans end in divorce. I mean marriage by itself is inherently very risky emotionally and financially, but thrwong in the element of Internet spawning takes it to a whole new level of danger.

    It's not like there are no other woman in his vicinity. Maybe desperation is at play here? The fact of the matter is that 99% of the males in these Internet-spawned international love affairs are Western men mating with foreign women (usually from impovershed countries) should provide ample conjecture and perhaps valid presumptions about the true motives of the parties involved.

    All I can say is that I hope your friend knows what he's doing.

  13. Americans become hostages in America. I think moving to a country for someone he met online is ridiculous. No matter how many pictures or what they send, it could all be a scam. Sticking out as a tall white person in the Phillippines doesn't really matter. There are a lot of Spaniards there so white people aren't uncommon. Just not majority. Also remember that the Phillippines don't allow divorce so you're stuck. I think your friend is out of his mind.

    Divorce in the Philippines:

    Divorce is not recognized under Philippine laws. If you're a Filipino, it doesn't matter where you get a divorce as such divorce is invalid/void in the Philippines. This is because under the nationality principle (Art. 15, Civil Code), all Filipinos where they may be in the world - are bound by Philippine laws on family rights and duties, status, condition, and legal capacity.

  14. there are many foreigners in the area who are now enjoying their lives in the Philippines.some are married to a Filipina, some have resided for business and leisure. there is not much for you to worry, as long as he stays away from the critical areas like where the turmoil is right now,down south.

    give him few pieces of advice, if ever the relationship does not work out, he should still have a fallback. he should at least, get back to US anytime he wants.

    meeting someone on the web and chatting for a year is not enough assurance that he'll have a good life in the Philippines.

  15. yeah you are.

    Pilipinos are generally friendly and hospitable, and known worldwide for that. ( although there really are some that are the opposite)

    he'll be okay.

  16. Your friend is desperately in LOVE but hopefully the girl in the website he met is not a scam or maybe that's a lady boy, how sure he is, maybe they just using other picture but so many liars in internet.. better advice him not to trust the people that he didn't know well. Before he make some moves he must know the girls background first.

    He'll be safe in Manila but for now better not to go to Mindanao area. His safety is in his hands too, it depends where he go for hang-outs. Don't be too much drunk and hang-outs with people they don't know.


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