
Not able to Run - But would like to Run......?

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Just a lil about my self. I am M and weigh 210 pounds. I go to the gym 6 days a week and alternate between Cardio and Strength.

I feel very low when I see everyone around me running for hrs and hrs and I cant even run for 5 minutes without a break.

I know I am over weight but its not the stamina that makes me stop , I feel I can go on more than 5 minutes but its the damm pain in my shin and ankle that makes me stop.

I have tried sprays before starting the run , I have tried pain killers but the pain just starts after 3 minutes of running.

Am I doing something wrong . Can someone help me ..I am sick and tired of getting that pain and killing my motivation to run and loose weight.

FYI - I run at 0 inclination and 7.5 kmph.





  1. Im no xpert.

    But u may have something rong on ur foot.

    Go se a doctor or a pro runner

    Hope tis helps

    Listen to joeshmo i think he's right

  2. please please please please listne to me now! read all.

    You can lose loads and loads of weight real quick if you go to classes like boxing (non-contact) or intense workouts like that. I used to be 14 and a half stone, and at that time i went to the gym........ummmm about two times a week i think. I did my own thing while i was their. Then about two months ago i started do boxing circuit training and now i am 11 stone 10. honest, thats how amazing sports are. Just try it, if it doesnt work, send me hate mail..........


  3. It sounds like you may have shin splints, the pain in your ankle could possible be from not running in the proper kind of shoes. First I will start with your shins. Ice them shins that hurt love ice and soft surfaces. I would take a little bit of time off from running to give your shins a break. That doesn't mean you have to stop working out though. Rowing, biking, and the elliptical are all really great alternatives. Aqua jogging and swimming are also good. If you want to try aqua jogging just go to the deep end of a pool and just start running. It is hard to get used to, when running in the deep water you have to pick up your knees really high and pump your arms really hard. (5 min of aqua jogging is = to 1 mile of running)

    Now for you shoes. If you run on pavement, concrete, or treadmills a lot you will need to look for a pair of shoes that have a lot of cushioning in them because those surfaces are hard and running on hard surfaces can cause shin splints. I put a link below for eastbay. I am a fan of asiscs shoes. So that is what the link is for.

    I would also say that if ice and getting new shoes don't work I would go see a Dr just to make sure there isn't anything seriously wrong like a stress fracture. Best of luck.

  4. If you cant run try swimming

    swimming helps take off all the stress from your shin and ankle and you still get a great workout. As a runner we are sometimes put to swim so we can relieve some of the stress from pounding on the floor so much.

    So yea try swimming that should help alot and go get a check up if in case something is injured.

    goodluck ;)

  5. 1.  You need to find appropriate shoes for your form, arches, body type, etc.  Go to an actual runners store and get help from the pros.  And listen to them, ever since buying their recommendation I haven't had shin splints or knee pain and I'm also slightly overweight and a novice runner.

    2.  Even though you've been working out it doesn't mean your body is prepared to start running.  Your body uses different muscles to run than it does to climb stairs, bike, swim, weight lift, etc.

    3.  BEST ADVICE I'VE EVER READ THAT WORKED FOR ME:  Find a program for novice runners to build up your stamina.  I used the couch to 5K plan from  It may seem ridiculous to alternate the short intervals of running with longer intervals of walking at first but it really prepares you and builds you up for longer distance runs.  I started in February not even being able to run for 3 minutes at 6mph and just last Friday I finished my first 5K in 30 minutes without taking a walking break.  It takes TIME.  Don't rush it, you'll hurt yourself.

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