
Not able to join a particular Yahoo Group?

by  |  earlier

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I'm a moderator on a Yahoo Group and someone emailed me this:


My name is [removed] and I have been trying to join your yahoo group. Every time I try to send the information it gets bounced back telling me that I have written too many words in the description box. I have tried four times writing less and less but even sending the massage blank is being rejected. So I hope the problem is solved and that I can join.

Any idea what the problem can be? Is there any way I can add this person as a member without her going through that screen?

Help! :)




  1. where is this person attempting to do this? from of the group? by e-mail? is your group settings restricted memebrship? most times off the group, that add a reason for joining only lets you write so many characters and thats it- and you see often it's been cut off.

    regardless, this is nothing you can fix-

    help form

  2. if you don;t type them words in that box it will not let you  join if someone has it was a fluke . but you can simply put their user name in an invite and all they need to do is join if you do not no how to invite you go to members then click on invite and put their user name in box

  3. That's because that person is not saying the right "word" ...there are some "magic" words that they should say in the statement in order for the computer to accept them.  Perhaps when you set up your group, you stated  that in order to be accepted they must say these words, otherwise the computer wil reject them.  You need to change the setting then.

  4. Maybe someone in your group has a blocker on him/her.

  5. As moderator you should be able to invite them to join the group.  Then they do not have to go through all that trying to join stuff.

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