
Not able to p**p for weeks

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I know that is not normal. I don't know why but I can't seem to take dumps these days. There are times when I can't even p**p for weeks and when I do blood would start coming out...alot. It's been happened for almost a year. What is wrong with me?




  1. Go see a doctor!! NOW before its too late!!

  2. Try to eat food rich with fiber coz it helps your digestive system. Also for the mean time grap your self some laxatives for the pharmacy.

    Get well soon my friend :)

  3. You've got some serious constipation...I would suggest you go see a doctor asap..if it's been happening for almost a year you may have developed hemmoroids. I'm actually saying this from experience cuz I used to have the same issue..I'd never go to a doctor though cuz its just too d**n embarressing. You really should though, cuz if you've gotten hemmoroids (which I did) you don't want them getting any bigger cuz they'll be painful. The doctor will give you laxatives..afterwards make sure you eat stuff with alot of fiber, even prunes (as nasty as I kno it sounds gotta do what you gotta do) ..there's even this thing called Benefiber, it's totally tasteless and you mix it in your juice and theres your source of fiber without eating all the green beans and spinach..and here's some advice on stuff you should avoid eating cuz it will make you constipated: rice, cheese, pasta etc. Drink lots and LOTS of water too.

    hope I helped!

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