
Not all women are evil wretches, some are- how can avoid the bad ones- they lie so well?

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really- I have screwed up one long term relationship picking one who I should have known was "one"-dont want to make the same mistake twice...




  1. Sorry hun, there is no way to tell.. we are great liars ;-P

    No, seriously, you just have to look out for those signs, those signs you probably ignored in your last relationship.  Trust me, they were there!! You have to follow your gut.. not their mouth

  2. It's hard, I know. I really don't think there is really any good way to figure out liars. Like you said, some are REALLY good at what they do. I'm a big eye person, you can always tell by the eyes. If they are lying they tend to look away a lot hen they're talking. But some are so good, that they can serioiusly look straight into your eyes and lie, those you have to really look, their eyes will look hollow if they're lying, because they don't care. But if they care about you you can tell by the eyes, and it's then that you know they aren't lying because you can see the sincerity in thier eyes.

  3. youll know when you find the right one, because itll feel perfect!

    answer mine please?;...

  4. Go with the people who other people like too... if they seem nice but have no friends, there is a reason why.

  5. son, you could live to be 100 - and never have the answer to that one!  i'm 53, been around the block so many times they named it after me, and in 'my day' had real long hair, played in a rock band, and had more girlfriends than Hugh Hefner - and i still haven't a clue.  and, you're right, they do lie very, very well (but so do a lot of guys- i know, i used to be a used car salesman) the only thing i can tell you is- don't be too quick to believe a pretty face... the warning on the label is apt to be in very fine print.  the good news is- not all people (men and women) are evil or wretched... you just have to be careful.  take your time.  don't rush into things just because your heart (or hormones) tell you to!  good luck!

  6. its hard to tell unless youve seen them be that way before

    its a chance you take when being in a relationship

    just something everyone goes through and learns from

    dont let one ruin it for another though, some of us are good!

  7. picking guys is just like picking girls...some guys are jerks and a******s and some girls are b*****s. Make friends or start up a conversation to get to know them before hand and listen to what they say.

    Don't meet girls at through friends. Thats the best way.

  8. basically I have away that works for me with telling which girls are liars and which ones are potential keepers. See i have alot of guy friends who constantly ask my opinion on their new women that they bring around. Basically it goes like this (remember that this doesnt apply to all girls).

    1) "Party girls". Girls who go out atleast 4 outta the 7 days and party with friends. These girls typically are out to get the attention of their male counter parts. They may get your attention, AND be able to keep it, but just remember all the other attention they still ask for.

    2)"My friends are SOOO #1 girls". These girls will ALWAYS choose their friends over you in any given situation. You will be able to tell who these girls are cause they are more inclined to hang out with their friends AND break plans off with you to do so. In the end no matter how hard you try their friends are before you(in a bad way).

    3)"Im so special LOVE ME girls". These girls are very OVERLY bubbly and giggly. When you compliment them they act like its the first time in forever they have heard something about themselves even though 5 minutes ago they were looking in a mirror complimenting their new hair do. When you talk these girls come off overly strong and try to talk above everyone else. Through out the relationship these girls tend to be very "ME" orientated. If you cant handle that then be my guest!

    Also listen to some of the things you constantly hear from other people about this person. Stories come from somewhere but if you are that interested it is up to you to see where the stories came from. Use your own judgement. Ofcourse this little guideline thingy doesnt apply to all girls of those types, but in my expereince thats generally how it goes.

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