
Not allow to stand up for marriage?

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I remember a while back I made a comment about how marriage seems to be pissed on today. "Disgraced." And a made a lot of people angry when I said that. I was called judgemental and ignorant by many. Which was NOT my intent at all. It just if you look around sometimes today it's hard not to think that.

Now, I found that so striking. It kinda seems like if you stand up for (I HATE to use the word "tradition!") but if stand up for things like marriage you're almost. . .out of touch it feels. You're cheering for a losing team almost in today's world.

Anyone see this?




  1. Marriage is very important and should not be taken lightly.  A lot of people it seems want to be "friends with benefits" and that totally takes away from the love and responsibilities of marriage.  There is so much more to a relationship than just s*x; having a friend 24/7; someone who will stand by you through thick and thin.  Someone you want to spend the rest of your life with and build a life with.  I cannot say too much on this subject because I left my marriage after 30 years because he just was not pleased with me or anything I did or anything else.  From the minute we got married he changed and the longer we were married the more argumentative he became.  I loved him and tried everything I could to make it work but after a while and all the abuse, I finally gave up.  He demanded to have a girlfriend and allow another woman into our marriage and I just could not do that.  I was raised in the traditional Christian home (not bible thumpers, mind you) but that marriage is two people only.  My marriage did not turn out the way I had hoped.  So it is not "today" that marriage has been disgraced.  It has been long in coming.

  2. I completely agree with you.  

    I think many of these people who responded hatefully simply knew they were guilty of it.  In my mind there are few legitimate reasons to get divorced (abuse and infidelity).  Many simply toss marriage away like a piece of trash.

  3. I agree with you whole heartedly even though I am divorced.  I can honestly say that I tried to save my marriage, as I believe strongly in the commitment that is marriage.  After attending 2 years of marriage counseling with no change in our situation, I realized that it just wasn't going to work.  I don't regret having tried for a second, though and I believe that more people should at least put forth that effort.  Marriage is both entered into and thrown away with too little thought given to the true meaning of the union they've entered.

  4. i agree with u

    the entire sanction of marriage is not sacred one anymore

    no one sees it in the traditional sense

    and even if they do, it no longer remains in the traditional sense of 'till death do us part'

    so if we were to technically stand up for something in life, why not stand up for divorce??

    because THAT ... is the winning team as evident by the rising numbers


  5. I agree with you. I think part of the problem is that too many people get married too quickly or for the wrong reasons (money, not wanting to be alone, pregnancy, etc.) and they don't feel committed to it. That's why the divorce rate is so high. I think marriage is good but should only be done for the right reasons.  

  6. yes. I know what you mean. I'm very much a traditionalist and that's not a very popular view right now! Just remember that people don't have to agree with you. Live your life the way you think is right, and let others do the same.

  7. Yeah I agree... The systems moto is seek short term pleasures and fck the future!

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