
Not as a joke but an intelligent answer... what is trust??

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simple but complicated question.. what is trust??




  1. trust is risky reliance

  2. Well to me trust is based on respect and loyalty. If someone "trust" you, they faith in you to do what ever it is for them.

  3. The opposite of doubt. You can have a percentage of each at the same time.

  4. Its that genuine understanding between things. Reliable on both ends, exclusive and honest.  Its easy to lose and hard to gain. But with out trust, there is no real substance in that relationship.  



  6. To me trust means to be able to count on someone to handle a situation effectively and with honorable intentions and keep a secret when asked.  When a person has failed to do this, then they can no longer be reliable thus "trust" is lost.  Usually a person's consistant behavior with the above is what "earns" them trust.  

  7. Trust is worth the wait, is worth the work. it is having faith in one person and your self, it is about be able to tell someone

    anything without fear or hesitation, it is about openess without doubts, it is about respect. it is reliance, and loyality, it is easy to

    loose and hard to gain or earn, it something relieved in some but not others, it is something welcomed into relationships of all kinds,

    it comes without questions though people question often, without trust would not be the connection amongst family members,

    best friends, and partners. Trust is something human nature desires unwillingly trust must come with yourself first then others. trust

    is powerful surpassed the define.  

  8. Trust is a bond, which either strengthens and grows over the years or can be broken in just one go.

    Many factors contribute towards trust & trust can have different meaning in different circumstances. It is your life experiences that determine your definition of trust. Some people never trust anyone completely, some be default are cautious as that is their job, or some are too trusting and sometimes it has drawbacks.

    You're friends grown up together in the same neighborhood, went to same school, same college, over the years you know almost everything about each other. You trust each other

    with your deepest secrets. You come for advice b/c you trust your person, you know he will always have best intentions for you. In trouble you ask your friend for help b/c there is unspoken bond, there is trust - you know he wouln't let you down.

    This didn't happen over few days, the process took years of bonding, and as the time passed, as friendship strengthened, the bond grew stronger and stronger. You completely trust your friend. However it just takes one betrayal, one mistake - to break that bond.

    You can also say it is synchronization of understanding between two people, a bond formed by homogeneous understanding of others personality (or specific traits in personality) - that combined with an understanding that no matter what he/she has got your back. You've only achieved true levels of understanding when their is no fear, no second guessing, no regrets.

    Spiritually trust is magnetic bond and understanding at your core levels, call it subconscious, aura, soul. Your energies are completely in sync.  

  9. Hello. To me trust is when a person believes that another person, no matter past or present, will not betray, hurt, or dishonor anything that person #1 has. He complete any job he accepts honestly and greatly. But trust is something that has a strenuous meaning in the modern world today. Because of greed. Good bye.

  10. Trust is actually a feeling that let u think always positive for someone...You believe in what he/she says..A sentiment for someone whom u love..

  11. Never having to question anything.

    Wouldn't that be nice?

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