
Not easy being an enviro-freak these days, how do we convince America to ration their food intake?

by  |  earlier

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God Bless Obama for telling us we won't be able to eat as much food as we want. Finally someone is being fair to the Ethiopians and what not. I swear these sloppy right-wingers think food grows on trees.




  1. show pictures of Rosie Odonnel eating

  2. yeah...  as IF potatoes spring right up out of the ground!

    I have a box of Mac and Cheese.... it's in the mail to Ethiopia tomorrow!

  3. i love your questions, marry me

  4. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...

  5. Right these people have nine kids now.

    If you feed them they will have fifteen.


  6. Well, if the really smart people that are running the country keep increasing subsidies for ethanol-corn, we won't be able to  (no matter what Obama says about things, even though most of the 'quotes' floating around from Obama are just false).  

  7. Good one! You managed to pull my attention away from something more important.

  8. Hahahahaha, good satire.

  9. LMAO!

    Well...we are a fat nation. I mean we can all stand to loose a few pounds. Especially me. I mean 100lbs. WAY TO FAT! GOD...I feel like such a pig. Obama is so right. I shouldn't eat.

  10. I say we built a load of McDonald's and Burger Kings over in Ethiopia so that their cholesterol can catch up with ours.

    Beside you know the fastest animal in the world is the Ethiopian Chicken.


  11. he's right Americans should cut down on the amount of food they are eating.  The portions served in restaurants there is huge even if they don't eat much still food is being wasted.

  12. Yeah, those stupid right-wingers also think that oil just comes up out of the ground.


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