
Not eating ANYTHING for 3 weeks ?

by  |  earlier

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except for a carrot a day, and tea.

How much would i loose ? Would there be a huge differnce ?

don't tell me not to cause i am i just want to know apporximatle how much would i loose




  1. Your acting immature, if you care for your body you need to do the right way. most important is you need to have all source of mineral  in your body and enough. Eating those doesnt give you source of energy your body needs, not even for jogging. You'll be too tired to jog because you dont have source of minerals and vitamins.  It can cause fainting and weaken your body. Then you can be laying in hospital the next day.  

  2. ANSWER: You will loose A LOT of weight (up to maybe 20-ish kg after ~4 weeks), obviously the figure depends on your weight now, your metabolism and if you do exercise. But there are a few things you should consider...


    1. You will not only be burning fat but also some protein (your muscles).

    2. Your brain can only use glucose. If you're highly active there could be a coma risk. The body makes some sugar (ketogenesis) but it's not healthy & it makes your breath STINK of acetone.

    3. If you do do it. Watch out for re-feeding syndrome when your three weeks are done.

    4. The human body can EASILY get through 3 weeks. But say you're a caveman, its winter theres no food so you use your fat up. Then its spring, what happens? You'll deliberatly store up more fat than usual instead of shitting out nutrients. So you're ready for the next food shortage. Fad diets don't lead to permanent weight loss.

    LONG-TERM SOLUTION: So the way to loose weight long term is to gradually alter that 'pre-set mass' with exercise etc. Short-term endurance will be a problem - but it can be done. I refer you to David Blaine's 'Above the Below' to see the results of a 44 day fast. They weren't that dramatic - but then he was never 'fat.' He lost 25% of his body mass.

    Hope this helps. And good luck.

    P.S. Also the "acai berries from the forest of Brazil" hahaha!

  3. You will gain weight. And yes there would be a huge difference. Severe weight gain. Everything you eat will be stored as fat.

    Don't be stupid, if all you're going to eat is a carrot you might as well not eat at all. You will suffer a host of complications and may die.

    Jogging 2 miles a day and eating a carrot.

    hmm you won't last the jog from your front steps to the curb.

    You may not have enough energy to tie your shoes.

    I'm a Cross Country runner, If I don't eat as much as I should, my performance is greatly effected.

    (Before I join Cross Country, this happened to one of the runners, he collapsed and an ambulance was called)

    I suggest eating 5-6 SMALL meals a day.

    Joining Cross Country or run on your own.

    Along with my advice, follow the advice of the paramedic.

    I'm sorry if I may sound mean, and if there are any grammatical, mechanical, or spelling errors I apologize.

    By the way, all the magazine covers are airbrushed, the models don't appear that thin in person.

    I also think super skinny, thin, anorexic, all bone girls ugly.  

  4. Don't be stupid. Honestly, if you're gonna loose weight don't be a looser, do it like everyone else does, WORK OUT.

    Don't starve yourself!

  5. You won't lose weight... you will gain.

    As soon as your body realizes its in starvation it will hold onto anything it can.

    The only thing that would happen to your body other than weight gain, is a trip to the ER.

    Go talk to your doctor about your weight and your new eating disorder.

  6. I'm not sure how much you would lose but in order to lose weight you have to eat for some strange reason

  7. most likely a pound a day depending on your weight & height. ignore the other ppls comments, the body can last 90 days without food, and you wont faint when i did a water fast for 4O days i never fainted, or died :) & you wont gain the weight back as long as you workout, & eat really healthy for a while!

  8. It wouldn't really matter, because you'll pass out at what will probably be a highly inconvenient time and then have a bunch of people standing over you asking you if you've eaten today and making an understandable fuss. Then they'll make you eat.

    I have no idea how much you actually weigh, so I don't know if you really would be alright a few pounds thinner, but I'm going to go out on a limb and give you the benefit of the doubt. Here's a link to a great website that will tell you how much you can eat to lose weight.

  9. It'll make you sick. Your body will weaken. You need food for energy so you can jog those 2 miles and do other activites. My suggestion is that you stay off those junk foods and start working out and eat healthy.  

  10. I'm not really concerned about you doing this. after maybe... half a day... you'll realize how stupid an idea that is. first of all, you'll get unbearable hunger pains, and if you last a day without eating, you'll pass out and go eat something. you would definately not have the energy to jog, at all.

    theoretically, if you ate nothing for a week, you would lose 30lbs. and in the cases where this actually happens, the person has suffered an injury caused by beating/car crash/etc. and probably doesn't have the energy to lift their own head and needs immediate medical attention.

    i'm severely underweight because of dieting. i'm not really proud of it, but i've tried going two days without eating. on the second day i started getting blurred vision and got disoriented, i was exhausted and i was so hungry and immediately i went straight for the fridge and i would never do that again. D:

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