
Not enough room in my locker, what do i do?

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i just started middle school, and when i finally got my locker i opened it and there's like no room in it at all! it's so little! what am i supposed to do? cuz for a couple of classes i have to have all my books plus my bookbag in there (and i always keep a notebook and pencil bag in my bookbag) and i couldn't hardly get the door shut! plus i tried to put my lock on and the part where the lock goes on it wasn't big enough. where can i buy a skinny lock for like 5 dollars or less?




  1. Okay first off I saw more than one question in there girl...ya want to know how to fit everything in your locker, or where to get a lock for less than five bucks? Tell ya what, i'll answer both.

    I'm assuming this school wasn't built yesterday, so someone else had to go through the same situation as you. Get rid of the Hannah Montana lunchbox, throw away c**p that ain't school related, and ya only need like 2 pencils. Oh, carry some stuff around for once, weight lifting is good for ya,

    As far as the lock goes, ya might as well use scotch tape, cuz thats gonna do the same job as a 4 dollar lock.  

  2. First off your lucky to have a locker. I don't!

    Yeah they are not that big. I would just keep all the necessary stuff in it. Try to figure out what doesn't need to be in there and eliminate that. And if you have to you can carry something.

    And for the lock i don't know exactly what lock you have but I'm pretty sure if you go ask a staff member at your school they could tell you what kind of locks work for the lockers. and until you get a lock that works i would leave anything in your locker i wouldn't want it to get stolen.

    I hope my advice helps. :]

    Good Luck!

  3. Small lockers are  big problem. Try to organize the books better and keep your book bag out of it. My locker last year was very small and i had to do the best i could. I found sometimes that lying the books down instead of having them standing up helps. And about the lock for your locker i found really tiny ones at target last year. They came in packs of two though i bet you could get single ones. They are Master lock brand. The pack of 2 is $12 as most locks aren't under 5. Also about your book bag if you can't have it in one class then try asking another teacher if you could leave it in there.  

  4. You should talk to people at your school about the locks and where they got them.

    The locker thing I don't know what to say to you other than everybody has that same size locker and everybody has the same space as you

  5. You might have to ask the school about if you can switch your locker so that you can get a lock that works. If not, I suggest that you dont keep too much stuff in your bookbag, or you just can put some of your stuff into a friends locker thats close to you that you trust, and get your stuff out of their locker.

  6. If the school lets you carry your bookbag... you should keep your backpack with you so there would be room for your books and notebook.

  7. buy a locker shelf. those make your locker feel a lot bigger then they actually are. and it makes space for your book on the botton and more books on the top. thats what i used in 7th grade when the lockers were smaller then small and i had enough room to put a half size poster in there.

    answer mine;...

  8. for the lock, ull just have to look around, like walmart, target, even the dollar store

    for the shelf, u will DEFINATLY need one, they are soooo helpful, even if u buy a small one, u can stuff ur backpack in it. they make a lot space and u dont have to stack stuff onetop of eachother

  9. rent some space from your friends

  10. Are you asking where to buy a skinny lock or how to make more room in your locker? Wal-mart or Ace Hardware should have a skinny lock for you.

    Can you take your book bag with you to class instead of storing it in your locker? Another option is to go up in layers (to get some shelves in there so you have more use of the vertical space). Get one of those small plastic drawer things to stack things on if you can (Target or Wal-mart have them) and that way, you could stack books on top of that while storing little things inside the drawers.  

  11. You can't exactly buy a skinny lock, you're going to need to learn how to have less stuff in your locker. In high school, the lockers only will get smaller because there are more people. Last year, I made all my stuff fit in a small locker and i had a locker partner. Try laying your books horizontally and rolling up your bookbag and jacket.

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