
Not enough time for a dog?

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i'm 13, and pretty responsible. i have had 3 cockatiels (birds) since i was five, so im pretty good with animals. i want a yorkie or a maltese, but i need some kind of solution to take care of them since my school starts in 3 weeks, my dad works from 8-5 on weekdays, and my mom works 8 hours 5 days a week. on top of all of that, i go to school. is there any way i could still get the dog and be able to manage the dog? any ideas? thanks so much!

and which dog would you recommend? yorkie or maltese? like which one is easier to take care of and when is full grown is smaller.




  1. I would suggest the common Red Squirrel.

    They are very friendly creatures and perfect around young children. They can also be trained to do common everyday chores for example washing up, laundry and even buttering your morning bagel.

    They can also be trained to do various tricks for your entertainment for example jumping through hoops of fire or eating large fruits.

    They don'tt have many enemies so you will not have toworryy about epic duels in your house, unless of course a common Grey Squirrel comes into your common Red Squirrels territory.

    They are very self sufficient animals so don't need a lot of looking after. Once you have a tree and maybe some bushes.

    Good luck with your Red Squirrel!

    I hope it brings you as much joy as my Red Squirrel, Fiona, has brought me.  

  2. I will be honest and tell you I don't think you should get a dog. Dogs

    need companionship. They need to be part of 'a pack'. Your Mum and Dad and you will all be away during the day. The dog is going to be

    left on its own. Who is going to take it outside to do its business?

    If they are left alone they tend to do things eat your furniture and

    rip up your pillows because they are bored. You are 13 years old now

    and you will be getting older and as you do you will want to hang with your friends more. You will not be home as much. Who will walk the

    dog? Your Mum and Dad will be tired when they come home and

    just want to eat and rest. Plus they have all kinds of grown up things to do like housework and laundry and taking care of bills etc. Even

    small dogs need to be around people.I would love a dog but I am not going to get one until I retire because I just don't have the time to be with the dog all the time which it would need,

  3. well i think a lot of people get dogs with that kind of schedule..

    it will be pretty rough on both you and the pup tho.and prob mom and dad too...

    have you thought of getting a grown yorkie/maltese?

    an adult dog should have less trouble waiting to potty all day and should be a little calmer.and you wont have to go thru all the puppy troubles.

    when you get home you will have to spend tons of time with your dog,(which you should enjoy :) )

    and you will need to take her/him out in the am before school..and rush straight home to take it out after school..

    i say it can be done,but consider carefuly before you jump into a new family member

    ,also both those breeds have high grooming requirements..they have beautiful hair..but it takes tons of work..or regular trips to the groomer(can get costly).and both will stay tiny depending on where you get them from..which brings up special dietary needs when they are puppies and sometimes can carry over into adult low blood your homework on both breeds,it may open your mind to consider another breed..

    good luck,sounds like you know hard work,already, if you have been doing good with birds.those guys require a lot of care..

  4. well looking after dogs is sorta ok but u have u clean up after them and do alot of other things alothough you are at school u wont be able to take it out for much walks if your mum and dad is working all the time and birds are easy to look after and i reccomend a  maltese because they can be very energetic and also like the love that you can give also a yorkie is very pickie with the food that they eat so good luck making ur decision and hope you can take care of a dog  

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