
Not enough time with horses? (aka no horse blues)?

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I feel so upset when I'm not with horses, at the barn, or riding. My parents can only afford one riding lesson a week and its the only time I can see the horses. For my birthday I'm going to ask for alot of extra riding lessons but I can't wait till then. I want to be at the barn all the time. Even if I was just mucking out stalls I would be so happy. I want to ride everyday or atleast twice a week but it's so expendsive. Is there anything I can do to help me untill my next riding lesson. All I can think about is horses everyday. I'm 13 so I can't drive and is there anything I could do to convince my parents to drive me to stables more often? And how could I find a stable that needs volunteers?




  1. Go to the barn and just hang out with the horses. Volunteer to bathe, feed, and graze them, and muck out stalls. You'll learn a lot about horses while spending time with them for free

  2. try volunteering at a therapeutic riding center once or twice a week

    EDIT: go to the NARHA website if you want to find a barn... if you need service hours just let your parents know that you can get them at the barn (i've already racked up tons!)

  3. Hello,

    Well, I think you should find out about working at a stable.  Sounds like you would love it!

    I KNOW that you loving horses this much is a GREAT thing!  Your parents should be aware of this and how it is keeping you busy in a positive thing!

    GIRLS that are involved with horses and staying busy, STAY out of trouble!  PASS them the word!

  4. Ask around or see if anyone could let you help out with theirs. but dont hassle them. Get a job and buy more lessons.

  5. you could volunteer at a theraputic riding center

  6. I've been in your situation before - don't feel too bad, my parents could only afford one lesson a month! I was feeling the horse blues too - until someone at my barn suggested I started volunteering. I began helping instructors teach lessons, which gave me so much time with horses and learning to teach others how to ride them. I really love it. You should ask the manager at your barn if any lessons need an extra hand - beginner lessons ALWAYS need someone to help kids tack up. All you really need to know is how to tack up a horse and lead a pony, and you'll learn more from there.

    As for transportation, I became independent and always ride my bike to the barn. It's convenient; I can go and leave whenever I want and my parents think I'm really responsible for doing it (brownie points for more lessons!!!!!) And, as always, ask for lessons for Christmas, birthdays, any days...:) good luck.

  7. I am the same here. I ride once a week and I always think horses everyday. I did recently post something on the internet for me to work at a stable in exchange for lessons, I got one email from someone but it didnt work cuz I didnt have my own horse yet. Ask around.

  8. Absolutely!  Tell them that you have contacted the stables (which you will, right?) and worked out a deal, pending your parents permission, to work off a lot or all of the board, so that you can be at the stables and be with your horse...try it, you never know...

  9. I don't know how you can convince them to drive you...biut have you made any new friends at the stable that you can carpool with?  Maybe friendly enough to do sleep overs?

    As far as more you get an allowance or have to tried to earn some extra money by doing baby sitting or other things?  What about at the barn..perhaps you can work and help out in exchange for lessons?

    You said the magic word....expensive.....and things are difficult right now..your ery lucky that your parents have extra for your hobby.  I hope you show them your appreciation for what you do get!!

    Summertime is almost over and it will be back to school time!!  I know you probably say yuck now...I did back, I only wish I got the whole summer off...and spring break and Xmas holiday...oh and the gazillion teachers workdays we never had either!!

  10. Thats just like me, except I only have riding lessons 1 day, every <other> week :(

    Maybe you could try asking your instructor, or the person who owns the stables, if you could do work, in exchange for a lesson? If you can't do that you could ask your instructor, or the person who owns the stables, if you could help with the horses/ponies in exchange for money, that way you could get more lessons with the money you earned. Or, Alpha has a great idea 2! Also, for the transportation problem, you could try biking to and from your lessons.

    Good luck!

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