
Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.?

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I dont understand this quote properly plz define this very clearly.

Thank You in adwance...




  1. It's saying that the most important things in life are not things.

    Love cannot be counted. Things that can be counted (toys, money) really don't matter in the long run. Nobody on his death bed wishes for more hi-tech gadgets, or money, or countable things.

  2. Voters in Florida know that their votes can be counted, but they don't count. Molecules of air count, but can't be counted. I hope this helps.

  3. Not everything that you count matters, and there are some things that matter that cannot be counted.

  4. You have not actually asked a question. and what does adwance mean?

    ok, you can count beans or buttons, but they cant speak, so hence cannot count

  5. there is a play on words here to count as in total number of and to count as in the importance of. So you may be able to assign a number to each of set of something that is of no real importance: how many blades of grass there are in your garden or some of the other contributors suggestions: be wary of political astute answers funny they may be but based on opinion!! Likewise there may be things that cannot be given a number in order to find a total but nethertheless they are important, example: how much you love someone or the extent of a person's faith or trust. Hope this helps.

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