
Not getting a copy of my email to yahoo groups?

by  |  earlier

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I use to get a copy of my emails I posted to my yahoo groups but I no longer get them. They're at the group's site so I have to go there to see if they even make it to the group. Is there an option buried somewhere I need to check that I some how unchecked, since this is a new development?




  1. Yes, check to see if maybe the group e-mail address might have gotten blocked from your inbox (especially if you are using a Yahoo Mail account) by accident.  If all is ok with that check the settings for that group to see if maybe the e-mail subscription was put on "No-Mail" by accident.  

    If all is ok with that then I would recommend getting in touch with a Yahoo Groups customer service representative to see if they can help you to figure out what could be causing the problem.

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