
Not getting along with my dad ???

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I really hate my dad ! He treats me like S*** and doesnt give a F*** about it !!! He always blames me on everything so that people would feel sorry for his fat a** ! Its always my fault! my fault !!! my fault !!!!!!!

Got in this huge argument with him the other day, & I just lost it and told him F*** YOU !!!! with the Up Yours hand & arm gesture and told him to take everything he said and shove it up his a** !!!!!!

He just doesnt give a d**n !!!!!!




  1. I know you probably are going through some tough times but trust you can overcome it, just don't let your dad get in your head let his words go inside one ear and out the other and trust me try not to make the situation worse by stooping to his level show him it doesn't bother you and that you are the bigger man.... Maybe your dad will respect you after that... Good Luck..

  2. Yeah boy should have hit, I would walk out there right now and say s***w you I'm outta here then move out

  3. look at it from his point of view. maybe its partly your fault and its partly his maybe. i know this isnt the answer you wanted but its wants right. this is what i did. i live in Colorado and i want getting along with my family so i asked my mom if i could go to washington with my cuzins for a while. when i came back it melloed  out a little bit

  4. Sounds to me like you have a bit of an attitude problem here yourself dear.

    It is not always right to justify your wrongs just because you think your right.

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