
Not going to bathe for my 1st mma fight...?

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im having my 1st mma match in a couple of weeks and im planning on not bathing from now till then even after the sweatiest workouts, im hoping i will smell so foul that it will throw my opponent off any game plan he has, good idea?




  1. I hope you like being single...permanently.

  2. I'm sorry, but that is a cheap ploy to use. If you win because you smell like a horses a** then it has nothing to do with your skills in the ring, and I would consider that cheating. Not only that, but it is a very bad idea not to take a shower for that long if you are doing serious exercises. When you exercise and break a heavy sweat its not just water that comes out of your pores, there's a reason why you stink after a workout: there are bacteria, blood traces, and excrement that is in a heavy sweat. The sweat you make after a workout is like a milder form of urine, and this affects your overal health and can even cause you to get sick before your fight, so not showering is definitely a bad idea.

  3. id prefer to know that i won because i was the better fighter that night..but to each their own.

  4. Matt Lindland actually does the same thing. Rampage Jackson refers to him as "Stinky" after their fight back in 2006. I depending on your style, do it. It will make you harder to submit (oily) skin, and may give you the mental edge. If nothing else, if you think it helps, it will help you.

    Don't listen to these guys ragging on you for considering it. Like a lot of them said it wont give you much of an edge, but what they seem to be forgetting is MMA is a very mental sport. With your first fight there are going to be a lot of nerves, same with the other guy if its his first fight. If this helps keep your head right and boosts your confidence going into the fight then do it.  You're not taking steroids, you're making a silly decision which may give you an edge in one of the most important aspects of a fight, the mental aspect.

  5. So if you win your first fight, You will wonder the rest of your life if you won it by skill and ability or just an underhanded way to sneak around the rules.

  6. Great idea!

    Don't brush your teeth until then either, so you can breathe in his face and make him feel sick. And also eat a vindaloo the night before and get him in kami-shiho-gatame and f**t in his face! K.O.!

  7. Sounds disgusting.  MMA fighters seem so amped up for the fights I don't think a bad smell would throw them off too much.

    Plus, your nose actually "turns off" to a scent after being around it for a period of time.  Sniff something with a strong scent for about 30 seconds and you'll see it drastically reduces over time.

    Having "oily" skin does sound adventageous but I'd think you could just rub something on the day of the match for a similar if not better effect.

  8. hahaha that is funny,

    Not only will you lose, but you'll be a "stinking" bad loser

    Seriously, you need to be relaxed, and I personally think bathing, and being clean makes me the most comfortable.

    You need to have your head on, and your awareness needs to be 100%

    Don't start worrying about anything now. And shower everyday.

  9. The whole point of having an mma fight is to prove yourself, prove your skills. Using your bad smell as a strategy is just a way of cheating yourself, and losing your self-respect. You may as well urinating on yourself before the match. Please have more respect for yourself. If you are not ready to fight, don't fight. Train until you are ready to go, train until you are on top of your game. No one can force you into fighting. At least when you win, you know that you deserve it because you win with skills and tactics.

  10. Sounds like a great way to get Prickly Heat, (salt crystals in your pores, that turn into painful stinging as your pores contact and expand with heat) or a fight preventing rash lol, not to mention a good way to p**s off training partners.

    Seriously, guys do a lot of things to try to throw someone off of their gameplan, but not showering for a couple of weeks is a bad idea. Or even better is just to stink up the shorts you are wearing pretty good as opposed to something that can cause a skin condition.

    A couple of days should be sufficiently stinky enough, but I don't think it will make any difference against your opponent. Most 1st MMA fights are over fairly quickly, and the most you are going to get is the other guy talking about how stank you were, and being known as a dirtball more than being a good fighter lol.

    If you prepped good enough and are ready, you shouldn't need a gimmick. Honestly in the MMA world, gimmicks like that are pretty much laughed at, it is sort of a way of saying you aren't confident enough in your abilities. Also they have little to no relevance on "throwing your opponent off".

    That being said, I have known guys who have tried this, and didn't notice a difference in the fight from when they were stinky and when they weren't. This is the sort of things guys try once, then go "That totally wasn't worth it".

    Not to mention if you DO win and you have to hug on some fine ring girl while smelling like week old diapers. Or the fact that your corner, and guys helping you get warmed up in a tiny locker room have to be subjected to your stench.

    HOnestly is being known as "That stinky dirtball guy" really worth the slightest deviation of your opponents gameplan? Would you want a fight nickname having to do with your horrible stench... (because that is the sort of things that earn you nicknames from your training partners).

    Seriously do yourself, your training partners, the corner and coaches who have to corner you a favor. Just be good, have fun, and give it your all. Win, Lose, or Draw it is your first fight.

    You want to shock your opponent, wear a pink mouth piece, or get a tattoo of a naked man on your chest. Or do both.. you will throw someone's gameplan off a whole lot more with that, then just being stinky.

    Just my advice

  11. It's an excellent idea.......

    If you want the ring girls to puke when they are next to you.

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