
Not had a period since feb due that i stop the pill could i be pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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had s*x last month and my b***s are sore have,nt done a test yet cos i think i dont feel pregnant. i feel tired and my period should come back now its been six months now




  1. i stopped the pill in november n didnt have a period until 6months later so plz dnt worry it will come when it ready xx if u think ur preg take a test if it says neg just worry n wait i no its easy said then done but the best thing is 2 wait if ur still worried go 2 the docters n he will say its normal 2 have no period until 6months later xx hope it helped? xx

  2. there is a chance if you had unprotected s*x i would do a test to put your mind at ease. six months is a long time to go with out a period if your not pregnant it would be a good idea to go to the doctors. after coming of the pill periods usually go back to normal straight away.

  3. It can to normal to not have regular periods for many months after stopping the pill.  However, it is possible that you're pregnant.  I would suggest you test at home and if that shows negative, I would wait up to 1 week. If you continue to be sore, then call your doctor and ask if you should come in or what they suggest.

  4. I would go to the doc... I have no clue to be honest if you are or not you could be but I dont know you situation... hope all is well  good luck

  5. yes... go and have a test or go to the doctor because if you don't u might be late if you want to have abortion.

  6. GET A TEST!!!

  7. u should really go to a doc! u could be pregnant but then again it could be something serious!

  8. The same thing happened to me. After stopping my pills I went 7 months without a period. Very annoying because my pregnancy tests keep coming back neg. I went to the doctor and they told me I wasn't ovulated and inturn wasn't getting my period. So I suggest going to the doctor.

  9. your eaither pregnant or its somthing serious! GO SEE A DOCTOR!!!!

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