
Not interested in College?

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I have pretty good marks in high school, B+-A range. Everyone tells me that I should go to college or university and be a doctor or lawyer or something, but I'm not interested in anything like that at all. I want to do what I want to do, something fun. I'm want to be a pro golfer. As far as a backup plan, a club professional is available to me. I want to take the least amount of courses possible, and the easiest courses possible to get me through high school faster and so I have more time to practice what I love to do. What can I do to convince my parents and others to let me not go to college?




  1. What do you have to fall back on in the likelihood you don't make it as a pro, or if you get injured?

    If you're dead set against college, would any type of a trade school interest you? Like carpentry, plumbing, heating, HVAC?  

  2. Maybe you could take a year off after you graduate and spend it on your own.  Get an apartment and a job at a golf course or something related and see how you do and how much you enjoy it.  This will give you an idea of what it's like after high school, and also show your parents that you're capable of supporting yourself.

    There's no point in going to college if you're not interested.  Students like that make things worse for teachers as well as other students.

  3. You don't have to convince them, it's your life so live it how you want to. The only people who are able to get through medical school are people who really really want to be doctors because it is extremely difficult. And if you aren't already interested in becoming a lawyer I doubt learning about contract and bond laws will keep you entertained. The vast majority of people who intend to go for a doctorate never make it, it takes a long time and it really has to be something you love for you to focus enough to get through.

    Do what you love, follow your heart, and see where it takes you.

    You won't end up living on the street, at worst you'll be forced into an office job to be able to eat. Besides, how does your family know you won't really enjoy being a construction worker? It might be your dream job if you ever try it.

    And besides, you won't know what you want until you're at least twenty five, and surprisingly enough being forced into college will probably only make you contemptuous of it

  4. I'm just many pro golfers played in college?  I've never read any of their bios, now that I think of it.

    You might try going to a college with a competitive golf team, and taking some easy classes.  You might even get some scholarship money through golf!  Also, the social aspect of college is awesome.  Live on campus.  And if you got B+/As in high school, Freshman year classes are not really harder, unless you pick the harder ones.

  5. join the club you like, and learn other things you like  

  6. when you turn 18 take the club pro job and keep trying to make it in tournaments ,

    after you are 18 and get a job you are the boss of you ,

    my parents wanted me to go to college too , but i got a job and my own place and lived by my own rules and did things my way , its been 17 years since i lived with my parents , i left when i was 18 and have only been back for holidays since , i respect my parents wanting to help me , but ultimately YOU are in charge of your life ...

    also , i have a good relationship with my parents now , they respect i was able to succeed in life in my own way

    good luck  

  7. Don't skip college. Go to a school that has a highly competitive golf program. You will only heighten your skills which will make you better when you go pro, and you will have a degree if golf dreams fall through.  

  8. seriously, i think it's horrible how college has become so pushed on high schoolers and really has become very commercial. college has become a business - all you have to do is look at the ad's in your sunday paper around end of july/month of august and see everything about dorms, dorms, dorm, college, college, college. why? because more and more kids are going. the school i just graduated from thought they had a huge incoming freshman class my last year there, boy were they unprepared for this year and they're having to triple up rooms and they're even pushing up the construction date on building a new dorm because they have no place to put these kids.

    college isn't for everyone. but everyone thinks it's just the thing to do now. i've seen many people who sucked at school, hated school, but thought 'well everyone else goes to college so even though i hate school and have no clue what to do i guess i'll still go' then end up wasting 2 years of their parents money partying, skipping class because they hate class, and eventually drop out and move back home and just find a job doing something else - which they would've saved a lot more money doing if they just would've gotten that job 2 years earlier and saved the $40,000 they just wasted.

    though the job market is becoming slim, even people with BA's can't even get jobs - ESPECIALLY those that major in so called "easy" majors, so i definately wouldn't opt for that route. experience matters to and that's what a lot of people don't realized. they think just because they went to college for 4 years they'll be able to get a job. i'd say in this time in the economy experience counts just as much, if not more, than a degree will. people are ending up goiing back to school for masters because they have no idea what to do cause no one is impressed with their BA.

    i'd say a club pro isn't a bad gig as a back up. i know someone who started by simply working in the pro shop, now is is actually has the title of club pro and runs the pro shop, and eventually he hopes to own and run the country club. sorry this post was long and drawn out, i just feel like you should get a different perspective on it since all these people seem to be telling you that nooooo wayyy you cannot skip college donnnnt do it. not going to college isn't the end of the world and it won't ruin your life.

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