
Not liking a breed issues?!?

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is it THAT BAD to not like a specific breed?!

i answered a question about "whats your favorite and least favorite breed" or something like that. and i stated that i liked TB's (but you all know that...)

and that i didn't like arabians, morgans, and drafts (for riding).

i stated my reason, all personal experiences with A FEW horses (i admit, i don't know them all).. and i got booed outta town!

I can honestly say, i would never go out and look for an arabian to buy, or a morgan, or a draft, but if i came across one that suited me or i liked i would buy it!

I understand that there is generalizations involved here, and that you can't judge every horse by its breed, but cant you get a pretty good idea about a horse by its breed?

i just don't get why its that bad to not like a breed...

just want all your thoughts.




  1. It is not bad to not like a breed.  Just realize that when you state those feel so that other people hear or read them then you are going to offend somebody.  No exceptions there.

    I myself do not care for TB's.  I find them too high strung and flighty.  But that doesn't mean you shouldn't like them.  It just means that as a whole they do not suit me.  (They are also not gaited so even if the personality of one suited me perfectly I would not buy it).

    On the other hand I love arabs.  I love their readiness to run without the flightiness I found in the TB's.  Of course it helps that our (my wife's and I) first horse was an arab (she is 30 now and going strong).  It also helps that she is exceptionally calm for an arab.

    The breed I love the most is the fox trotter, though admittedly there is not a great deal of difference between the fox trotter and the modern Walker. .

  2. I didn't comment in that first question you asked as I knew what would happen.

    Normally it's the "AQHA are dumb and the only real horse is a TB...and only a real horseman can handle a TB"  or the

    "If it weren't for  *insert horse breed here* there wouldn't even a *insert horse breed here"

    Thus ending up splitting the horse community by trying to make one or two horse breeds inferior or lacking..or even ugly.  Comments like that to me are not opinions..they are statements trying to cause bickering.

    One dote said that AQHA are dumb and stubborn!  Comments like that I can do without.

    A true opinion would be 'I don't prefer the TB or any warm blood as they are just too high spirited for my intended use.  I need something that will sit back, relax, and when called upon will kick it up a notch or two.'

    A statement would be "All TBs are unmanageable, weak pasterns, ugly heads, weak in the back and have health issues"

    *that is NOT my view, just an example.*

    I get irritated when people try to pit one horse breed against another.  It separates us as horseman and creates hate  :(

  3. It's the whole Barney syndrome thing....the "I love you you love me..."  We've got to make everyone feel gooood and not say anything that might make someone else the tiniest little bit unhappy...  OK....I guess I've got a bad attitude....I've got my opinions, and I don't care what anyone else thinks about them.  There's no reason for people to take offense just because you don't care for a particular breed.  Just because you don't care for that breed doesn't mean that you are dissing their particular individual horse.  Geesh.  I ride TWH.  Love 'em.  But I know that the breed has gotten so much negative publicity because of the big l**k industry that there are a lot of people out there that don't think too much of walkers.  Oh well.  Doesn't bother me a bit.  I had a gal get all sorts of bent out of shape with me because I wore a t-shirt that says "Life's too short to ride a trotting horse".  She actually told me "That's a blatant insult to non gaited horses."  Oh gee.  Tough it up and get over it.  I'm like you, I don't understand why people are so sensitive over such things.

  4. Listen, some breeds are better suited for certain disciplines than others. If you're actively involved in one riding discipline, it makes sense for you to choose a horse that can help you excel there. You probably wouldn't see a competitive endurance rider choosing a draft or quarter horse. They favor Arabians most of all, and with good reason: the Arabian horse was bred with higher stamina and the capacity to traverse long distances without tiring.

    Likewise, as a professional in the hunter/jumper arena, I look for a horse to have the correct conformation and movement to excel in my sport. I ride a lot of TBs and lighter boned warmbloods. Because of the cosmetic aspect of the hunter ring (so much is judged on how the horse moves, jumps, and is built), I wouldn't send an Arab out unless I was at an all-Arab show. The same goes for gaited breeds like Saddlebreds, Tennesee Walkers, and even some drafts. They have a different type of movement than the one the hunter ring rewards.

    There are also some assumptions you can make when dealing with certain breeds. Egyptian Arabians are noted for their hotter temperaments, while drafts are known to be cooler and more mellow. Just remember that there are exceptions to every rule. If you're looking for a horse more for pleasure than serious competition in any one discipline, by all means choose a horse and breed you like, but remember to keep your options open. If you don't like the flighty Egyptian Arabs, remember that the Polish-bred ones can be quite calm, for instance.

  5. It's your preference not theirs. If you don't like a specific breed it doesn't matter the reason, you're entitled to that opinion.

    The only thing that bugs me when it comes down to breed are the people who have no prior experience of owning worrying about breed instead of what each horse is like...

    Ya know the ones I mean... "Like, what breed should I get guys? I've ridden twice so like I'm pretty experienced and stuff... omg like I can get a painted horse cuz they are like sooo totally prettyful... or like, should I like get a quarter horse because they are like fast and stuff... I think?.. ~Squeaky annoying laugh~"

  6. just egnore everyone who booed you. cause everyone is entitled to there opinion. and i dont like those breeds ofh horses either. i go for a tb any day. as i own one.

  7. I like all breeds.  Seen problems that humans have created in all breeds.  It's not the horse but the owners that create problem horses.  I prefer arabs, but that is my choice.  I would not put down any breed.  Remember arab is a foundation for most breeds and especially in a TB.

  8. I agree, i personally don't like the look or characteristics of arabians. I prefer QH to arabs, morgans and drafts any day. Its just personal opinion and what horses we mesh with best. A hot horse and a quiet, inexperienced rider will equal disaster. Its all a matter of personal opinion, so don't let any one tell you your's is wrong.

  9. Nope not bad at all.

    No one should bash you for not liking a breed.

    They wanted an opinion and they got one. Not very fair to TD someone for an opinion. They need to remember that opinions are like a**holes everyone has one and sometimes they all stink.

    I myself love TBs. Most likely because I worked on a breeding, training, racing farm and that is the breed I worked the most often with. I am less than crazy about the look of the halter QH to bulky for my personal taste.

    I like the TB personality and they are a blast to ride. but then that is my opinion. It may stink to someone else.

  10. No, not at all. People who booed you outta town probably just liked the specific breed.

    Personally, I love arabians. But I can understand if you don't like them. I haven't found a breed I don't enjoy riding yet, but then again, I haven't ridden a bunch of breeds. I'm sure there is one out there that I won't like riding.

    I get where you're coming from. I wouldn't go out and look for a pony because I prefer taller horses opposed to small ponies, but if one fitted me (I found a pony mixed with draft and was my perfect size!) then I would definatly buy. But I'm not going to go searching for one.

    You're by no means wrong. Some people just love a specific breed and stick to it. So they were just offended you are against their breed, not against the fact that you don't like a breed.

    Get what I'm saying?

  11. We all have our preferences for a million different reasons. I like big chunky horses and would never ever go out to buy or loan a skinny little TB or Arabian type because it just wouldn't work out. That doesn't mean that I can't see why other people like them - if we all liked the same thing this would be a very boring place.

  12. sigh, TB Eventer I feel for you.

    I think it might be because alot of people in the horsey section believe that if you love horses, then you must love ALL horses. If not then surely we are not TRUE horse lovers! *winks*

    Oh no TB Eventer you have committed a crime!!!!!!!!! I shalt not dare say either that I dont like a certain breed, am I gonna get thumbs down too if I say that i dont like Appaloosas? Or the beloved Quarter Horse?

    People!! Everyone is entitled to an opinion!!! Just because a certain person's taste doesnt match the majority, it doesnt mean he/she should be singled out!!!

    Arghhhh *bangs head against the wall*

  13. I guess i would go with something i like, and i prefer the QH cause that is what i was raised with.  I have ridden grade horses that were great.  And some of them i think were draft mix. Rode an Arab and didn't care for him that much.  But that could have been we didn't have the saddle for him.  I just think its what you see in them the first time, if you like the looks and disposition.  Then you have it made. And I have always found that with a QH. And I think its going to depend on what you want them for work, pleasure or show.  QH is very versitale, or how ever you spell it. lol  But then there is alot of them out there that are.  Its all up to you and what you like

  14. i think arabians are beautiful and stunning to behold, but i would never own one, they are just too hot for me. i only have one TB and she's great all though flighty. i don't like hackneys i think they are ugly and shetland ponies are seriously annoying...

    just don't's up to you what you like it called FREE SPEECH

  15. Well I think  that it is stereo typing. Because how can you judge a breed in the whole??? I think it is uneducated on the breeds. That is what 1/2 the peoples problems are they judge horses by the few they saw or what people say or  rode or etc etc. I just don't see how someone can say they don't like the WHOLE breed??? There are awsome horses in every breed & really crappy ones in every breed. You likeing TB's most everyone thinks they are awful riding horses. Are they?? Not all. Just my 2 cents on anyone saying they don't like breeds in the "Whole". It makes NO since to me. Like when people say they don't like a race of people. Stereo typing that race. I just think breeds are stereo typed toooo much! & Not pointing my finger to anyone or anything.


    BuckinFun~~~~~ Perfectly put!!!! I agree with what you said!!!!!!!!! Bravo Bravo!!

  16. No, we all have our personal opinions and when voicing them, we are certain to step on someone else's toes. It can't be helped, so diplomacy is a plus, which I tend to have little of.

    Most of my preferences and dislikes have come from my own personal experience.

    For example, I would not own an App. I don't care for their personalities because of my personal experience with them. Same with Appy mules. (wouldn't pee on them if they were on fire - again just mho).

    I'm sure that will earn me some thumbs down, but there you have it.

  17. Everyone has their preference and no one should be angry you don't like the breeds you mentioned.  I'm not really an Arab person but i now own three wonderful ones i wouldn't trade for anything else.  Also not a TB person, personally reasons we use to train them and it seemed like all the ones brought to us had severe issues.  I now own a wonderful TB mare.  It just takes finding the right horse and its ok you like and dislike breeds...Leaves more for us who like them to buy :)

  18. it's not BAD

    people just get really opinionated and when you don't like there opinion they defensive or disappointed and they take it out on you i guess

    i think draft horses are cool i would never buy one lol but if i liked the horse and it happened to be a draft then yes i would

    i totally get what your saying

    I'm not much of a fan of Arabian horses either

    i LOVE TB's but tb''s have Arabian blood so I'm not going to be all like "omgsh i HATE Arabians! gah!"  no way I'm proud of them that they perfected the tb's and made them so wonderful

    every breed has a part and a purpose... and if that purpose doesn't pertain to you then OH WELL! there are a lot of hot heads out there just watch out. and don't be offended when they don't like your opinions either

  19. I can't say that there is a breed I don't like. I like horses. Period! But I can say that I don't place much value on purebred pedigrees because it has been my experience that many of the very best horses are Grade horses of a very mixed ancestry. Fact is, a great many people would be shocked to know that in the Show Jumping Hall of Fame there is a Grade horse of unknown mixed ancestry that was a plow horse rescued from a slaughter auction by a riding instructor looking for a bargain horse to train and use as a lesson horse for children. It was an extremely calm and gentle horse and the most popular lesson horse among his youngest students but because of a very generous offer he was persuaded to sell it to a neighboring farm. It was then that riding instructor discovered that the horse had an amazing innate athletic talent for jumping because leaping over very high fences and a wide ditch lined with a high hedge row was no challenge for that horse to keep it from coming back, again and again, to it's previous lesson school home. The riding instructor bought the horse back and, by then realizing the horse's amazing jumping talent, he trained it as a jumper. And that ex-plow horse who became a gentle lesson horse for children then went on to make show jumping history in the late 1950s and early 1960s. It was inducted into the Show Jumping Hall of Fame in 1992. I suppose the older folks here who was horse loving youngsters in the 1960s have already guessed what horse I'm talking about. But for the younger folks here who place much value on purebred pedigrees, that horse was Snowman! It was a Grade horse of very mixed unknown ancestry who became as famous for his personality, calmness, and gentleness with children as he was for his championship achievements in show jumping.

    This is Snowman:

  20. Yeah, I didn't get it, either.

    No one was saying "OMG I will NEVER touch a paint because they are just so ICKY!!!".  *That* would be ridiculous.  But to have preferences?  I have never met a horse person that didn't have breed preferences!

    I have preferences as to which breeds I like, just like everyone else.  I don't like the way some halter QHs look like overstuffed Thanksgiving turkeys.  I don't like the way most of the friesians I have worked with have been scatterbrained.  I do like the way most of the drafts I've known (and owned) have been quiet and steady.  I do like the way fjords have common sense and character.  And so on!

    If a horse of any (or many) breed(s) fit the criteria I was looking for in a horse, then sure - sign me up, I'll take them.  And I must say, for my next horse, I will be looking at training and experience before I look at breeds.  But will I ever own another draft - simply because I love drafts?  You'd better believe it!

  21. I don't like throughbreds but hopefully you have enough sense to respect that and not tear my eyes out.

  22. Well to me I love all horse breeds, just some more than others. I understand what your saying because I to would never go search for a Morgan or Arabian, but for me its mostly because of their height. I think that it seems bad to not like some breeds, because essentially all horses are related, like a TB has a lot of arab in it. You see what I mean?

    It is just good to remember that because you may not like a certain breed, other people do. So maybe it would be better to say that you like all horses but prefer certian breeds. I don't know, just my thought.

  23. It's probably not so much as you and your preferences as it the people who prefer those breeds and cannot fathom why someone wouldn't necessarily love their breed also.

  24. Oh, it was just taken personally.  There are people who don't like TWH because of the shameful reputation of the primary registry and their willingness to accept soring.  It's not the horses' faults, and there are many TWH riders who hate the practice...but if you have TWH, and love them, you will inevitably be blasted by someone who wonders how you could have anything to do with the breed.

    I ride gaited.  You really could not give me a stock horse, even a perfectly lovely one.  I wouldn't take it, not because it's a rotten horse at all, but because it should be with a person who LOVES stock horses.

  25. You can like or dislike anything you choose to.  It's called an opinion and we are each entitled to our own!

    It never ceases to amaze me how defensive people can get over someone else's opinion.  If we all liked the same things, the world would be a very benign place....and we could have  just one breed of horse that everyone liked and wouldn't that just be so exciting and wonderful?

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