
Not living up to social expectations, is it right?

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I do realize that we live in a superficial society where power is represented most by money, fame, position, possessions and looks, but still we're part of it and thus influnced by it.

I don't think denying it just because it threatens our securty is right.

In my opinion, I think we sould seek private victory(with self) and public victory(with others)

your opinions?




  1. I really don't think any amount of social prestige will help you if you're not already comfortable with yourself and your life, and in the end, it can go as easily as it came so it's best not to be reliant on it.

  2. I think it's okay to play society's game *a little*, so long as you're aware of its superficiality and strive to achieve peace and balance within yourself.

  3. dont waste precious time worrying about what society thinks  because they really dont give a da--  and the stuff they care about is so superficial  just surface  all plastic  be honest thats important especially with yourself and honesty with the people will follow suit

  4. Only those that are willing to defy society and its rules rises to run it.  Those that place themselves outside society can see the flaws and exploit them to the fullest without feeling any compunction what so ever as to its effects.

  5. To seek victory in superficial affairs is vanity. To compete in social advancement is pride. Many enlightened people believe that material possessions burden, and repress our metaphysical progress. Siddharta Gautama taught that banal pursuits have negative imacts.

  6. That private victory you mention, I think is actually an actualization of the joy of being independent, if independence is what you have achieved. When you are at the level of being where no one else is any longer necessary then your reasons for interacting with others is much different and would always be pleasant because they would always be due to mutual choice. When we need others, we are imprisoned by necessity to compromise with them even when we would feel much better if we were not even aware of their existence (I'm referring to those individuals in our lives whom we find unpleasant in some way or another, yet necessities demand that we interact with them, or at least temporarily be in the same vicinity with them.

  7. If aligned with your true purpose, both will be satisfied and you will know happiness. If not, fear and pain will be in your life.

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