
Not long ago i had dream that I had a son but I'm only a teenager?

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It was one of those rare dreams i have where i fathered a child but the mother(whoever she is) isn't around and can't find her so i'm taking care of my "son" by myself. What does it all mean? I'm only 17. Help me out. And also the boy looked like me except with nappy hair , could my baby's mama be a black girl?




  1. If you believe in de'ja vu, you will have a son someday and experience what you dreamt.  I had the exact same thing happen, regarding a baby, and had no idea what the dream meant until many years later when that exact moment came true.  I don't think I'm claivoyant or anything, just an early message from God.

  2. Dreams are dreams....ususally at night I dream about what I last fell asleep THINKING about....but not all the time...sometimes it's totally random!!!

    but anyways....stop freaking out and's a DREAM not a vision!! think nothing of it....and if a "situation" comes along that would involve "babies" then you know who the mom would's not like it just "happens"

  3. This only means that you will be burdened with many difficulties though in the beginning you were eager to take on this responsibility or concern, it turns against you becoming a source of woe rather than glee.


  4. It's genetically programed into each human being to want offspring so that the human race can survive. You may "want" a son simply because you are male yourself. idk about the race thing.

  5. I had read in some dream book a long time ago that a baby could also symbolize a type of project that you are worried about that requires a lot care or nurturing, like a baby would, in order to prosper.  I have baby dreams off and on over the years (and I don't get pregnant) and it either meant someone close to me was pregnant or I have unknowingly taken on something big and my unconscious mind is aware of it and my conscious self has just been too busy to pick up on my worries.  These can be good stresses. For example, I dreamt about a baby like crazy when I was selling one house and buying another house.  Finding a new house was ALOT of work, it was my "project" my "baby".

  6. the color black, in dreams, represents the unknown(so an unknown child, may appear black...and it doesnt mean you'll have an African child necessarily(well unless YOURE African!) (THAT could increase the chances :) )

    Maybe you WILL have a son.

    (I get dreams about the future sometimes)We're all mildly psychic ((like the way a dog can sense weather or danger before it arrives---you may sometimes perceive what's around the corner before you go around it))

    Dreams are ALSO indicative of worries we have.

    Are you concerned you got someone pregnant? Or may?

    Then heed its warning, use protection.

    If the dream stops, then thats all it was, a warning.(from your subconscious)(its smart, and has messages for you that come out in dreams and hunches)

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