
Not looking for a bf, but a date...and a friendship. What to do?

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I'm a Junior, and just getting out of a year and a half long relationship where I ended it last week.

There is this freshman boy who I think is the cutest thing ever! We have talked a few times, but I want to talk to him more. Were both in band, and jazz we talk at games and during class.

I'm not ready for another bf yet, but I would def be interested in going to homecoming with should I bring up the subject without seeming overbearing-ish. And what would be some good conversation starters?




  1. Just the fact that you two are in band together is a good convo starter.  There is nothing that says he needs to be your bf right away.

    Start as friends, talking more and getting a little closer than band buddies.  

    Letters were always fun, with guys and girls, in high school.  

    When you feel like you're comfortable enough around him, casually ask if he's thinking of going to homecoming (so you know if he is actually going with someone yet or he's free.) Then casually ask if he would want to go together.

    You will not come off overbear-ish at all..I mean he's a freshman and you're a junior! He would be dumb to say no to a junior as well as look like a p***y in front of his friends by turning you down :)

    Be confident girl, it's not as scary as it seems  

  2. if youre cute, just go talk to him, ask him about sports he plays just be girlie and cute, guys are really easy, either he likes you are he will not, but guys dont go make fun of it, they are pretty chill. just talk to him a little and do it more and more this week, if hes feelin you, he'll be very attentive, ask him to lunch or something, he says yes, he likes you he says no with no raincheck, he may  like someone else....

  3. I think that you could always ask him and if he says no or looks like he might then say, "no i ment just go as friends to the dance!" and its a good save whenever u ask a guy out!

  4. i say talk to him a little longer. to see if he's interested in you.

    then just ask if he is thinking about going with anyone and if not...ask him.

  5. lol i agree with zoe. That is a good save if he says no.

    Can you help with my question

  6. I really like you. You have the right idea, so build on that. Don't do anything or say anything that would make him think that you are available for another relationship. Just talk to him like normal friends and then later, maybe after the game, go get something to eat or something. Then bring up that you want the company and conversation, but not the stuff that comes along with the whole boyfriend/girlfriend type relationship. If he's a cool guy, he'll understand and he'll be there when you need him to. :)

  7. Your in band? then talk about music then change it to homecoming then ask him if he would be interested in going with ya.. also get into drum corp.. i met some hot woman when i did that.. so the reverse would happen also

  8. Zoe's answer is good. Or how about this way: "Do you have a date for homecoming? How about going with me - just as friends, no big deal?". That wouldn't be putting a lot of pressure on him. Good luck!

  9. "Give this people air!" - Arnold Schwarzenegger

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