
Not nice nephew and his mom?

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My sister baby boy who is three is very not nice. When ever we (two girls 4 1/2 and 6) visit the boy always keep his toys from the girls. Meaning he doesn't play with them, but when he sees my girls play with them, he would cry and ask for it back and put it up. Sometimes, he pushes the girls, and his mom (sister) just laugh it off, or tell him it's not nice. She doesn't take it seriously or punish him. I'm tired of him acting like this.




  1. Your nephew is three and sounds like he is an only child.Talk to your sister about your concerns and see if the two of you can make a game of sharing his toys with others.If this doesn't work get the children to bring their own toys to keep them amused and enjoy your time with your sister and her son.He will grow out of this-trust me

  2. See if your sister could visit at your house more often maybe your daughters can set a good example for him. When you go to her house let the girls take toys with them to play with so that they don't need to borrow his (you may wish to take a couple extra toys that the girls could share with him to help him understand sharing) Please don't be shy about scolding your nephew for pushing your girls either. You may not be able to make him share but you can speak up when he is hurting your girls. ( To help clue your sister in maybe you can even say in a teasing way " Didn't your mommy teach you not to hit girls?")

  3. Sharing toys is hard and it's his prerogative whether he wants your daughters to play with his stuff or not.  Maybe ask your sister to have him pick and choose the special toys that he doesn't want his cousins to play with and have her put them away, but make sure she explains to him that the rest are for anyone to play with.  Sharing is hard.  

    As for the pushing, it's really a kid thing.  Boys will out grow that.  It hard and you'll need to talk to your sister about him pushing your girls.  If she won't take action, you should.  You can get down on your nephew's level and tell him "Don't push!  Pushing hurts!"  Don't yell obviously, but use a stern voice with him.  If he can't stop the pushing and won't get past sharing his toys, it may be time to stop visiting your sister's house.

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