
Not prego and prenatel vitamins?

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can you take pregnatel vitamins when your not pregnant to help increase your chances of getting pregnant?




  1. yes! But they wont make you more likely to get pregnant.

  2. yes, it's recommended if for nothing else than the folic acid, which when enough is taken can lessen chances of certain birth defects.

  3. yup! they reccomend taking pre-natals for 3 months before conception!

  4. Yes, it is a great balanced vitamin of all the things your body needs. Also makes your hair shinny and nails strong.:)

  5. yes, for sure. and vitamins E

  6. No!..It will not help you get pregnant but if you intend on getting pregnant in the next 2 years you can start taking them now..

    helpful ways to get prego

    1..have s*x at different times of day on different days..try right before your next schedule period!!..thats when i got pregnant..

    2. dont where protection..

    3. make sure all the birth control is out of your system..

  7. Nope! You can  take them when you want, but it doesn't make you more fertile. It's just vitamins that are meant to replace the ones you lose when you're pregnant, so don't see how that can make you more fertile. Get an ovulation detector from you pharmacy and go from there. If you're not getting pregnant, it's because you're not ovulating. Pills won't change that unless it actually fertilization drugs. If that were the case, we wouldn't need all these fertilization clinics. Doctors would just be prescribing prenatals.

  8. Yes, sometimes taking prenatal vitamins helps to make the woman more fertile. Different things works for different people but it does not hurt to try. don't give up on your hunt to parenthood.

  9. Yes, this is an excellent idea. Both partners can take them to increase fertility.

  10. Prenatals won't make you more fertile, but it's a good idea to take them if you're trying to conceive. It's really important to take them either as soon as you find out you're preg or before you conceive because you need to have a good supply of folic acid in your body as the folic acid protects the baby from neural tube birth defects such as spina bifida.

    Plus they're just awesome because they make your hair and nails grow really fast.

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