
Not putting 11 month old in car seat.?

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One of the girls in my day care showed up one day on her dads lap. This isnt the first time ive seen this. I dont think they are completely bad parents but I think that is a little out of line. When they do have her in the car seat they dont have it strapped in very tight. When they turn corners the base slides.... should I report them?




  1. U should confront them about it and if nothing changes, report them.  There is no reason why that should be happening.  Child endangerment is no joke!

  2. I think it's illegal. At least in my state, they have pretty strict laws about children being in booster seats until they're 7 (I think) and the fines are enormous! I'd say something.

  3. i would suggest bringing it to the schools attention. maybe they can put out a memo or something stating that its the law for children to be brought to school in a car seat and that there have been some complaints and if it continues to happen they are required to report it to the police. that way it isnt directed only to them but to every parent in general and hopefully they'll get the hint without being defensive.

  4. Absolutely. Who know what else they being lax with at home. If you turn a blind eye and something happens you will regret it forever.

    They probably just need some education but I doubt they would take it well from you. Better a social worker.

    Way to be an advocate for a child!  I wish there were more people like you out there.

  5. I would say something to them like, "I noticed you didn't use a car seat... do you do that much?". You can then try to bring the conversation to, "make sure the seat is tight, if you have an accident and the seat is not secure, your baby could get seriously hurt!". If that doesn't help, definitely report them. It is a matter or child endangerment.

  6. yes you should report them. You have to also help protect this child.

  7. try talking first and still if nothing is done report them it is endangering their child

  8. talk to them first, maybe they dont understand the gravity of it...if they dont listen and continue putting their child in danger i would definately report it.

  9. What they are doing is illegal, so yes, report them.  However, if the car seat is in the car, it's going to be hard for you to prove that the baby isn't in it when the parents are driving.

  10. I would approach the parents first. Let them know you are concerned for the safety of the child. If they show no improvements, I wouldnt hesitate to get some sort of authority involved.

  11. I don't know if the law dictates that a daycare has to report something like that, in which case I would definitely do whatever the law requires, but

    it might be more effective to confront them directly. Obviously, it could be uncomfortable, but maybe you could approach it in a gentle way. For example,....

    "I noticed the baby wasn't in a car seat today; did something happen to her seat?"


    "I know a lot about car seats....I noticed that your seat slides around. I could help you adjust it, if you want.

    Something like that. If that doesn't work, then I probably would report them. It may be that they aren't terrible parents, but not putting a baby in a car seat is just stupid. The poor install is one thing, that I might be more sympathetic to, but there is no excuse for just not using one.

    Good luck!

  12. ABSOLUTELY!!  How would you feel if you didn't and something happened to her.  

  13. Don't be scared, say something to the parents!! If they don't seem to care, then report them...

  14. Seeing as how it is illegal and endangering the life of a child who cannot defend themselves, yes, report them.

  15. Yes absolutely. Not having it fastened right is one thing but driving around with the baby on their lap is crazy!! I'm suprised someone else hasnt called in about it already! If that's not bad parenting I dont know what is! What if they got into a wreck or even had to stop suddenly that baby is goin through the windshield!

  16. i would talk to them first, i know that will probably be awkward but i'd rather have someone talk to me before reporting me. maybe they just havent read up on it and dont know why the rules are in place...

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