
Not really a question but i quit smoking 1 month ago and i smoked 1 cig tonight?

by  |  earlier

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i gave the pack to a friend, after not smoking for so long you can actually taste the cig and it tasted pretty bad. It wasnt what i thought, i thought i was going to enjoy it because ive been craving them but i didnt i hated it so i think i should be ok. Hopefully i can continue on my quitting. I also feel high and now i have a headache.




  1. You're at very high risk now because you may find that as the nicotine wears off you'll feel strong withdrawal symptoms. These can occur up to 24 hours later. So -- whatever happens, ride it out! Remember that if you give in to the urge you'll be throwing away all the hard work you've put into it.

  2. Great comment Zebra. I know exactly what you are talking about. After I quit I still smoked every now and again. But the thing was it was never as good as I remembered from when I was a full time smoker.

    Once your cravings start to go then you become fully aware of how bad it smells and how bad it tastes. Those who are fully addicted are blinded to this because the addiction over powers everything else, including rational thought. That's why I shake my head when smokers say "I love smoking". They don't love smoking, they love feeding their nicotine addiction.

    You are on the road to quitting for good my friend. Anytime you feel a craving coming on just think about how bad smoking tastes and how you hated doing it. This will help ease the cravings.

    Those headaches are more than likely caused by dehydration, smoking dehydrates the body something wicked.

    Visit our site to join our inspirational 12 day e-course. You can also download our free book '36 Powerful Superfoods' to help fight weight gain and start mending damage caused by smoking.

    Good Luck and Good Quitting

  3. Now that you know and remember what cigarette taste like and how it make you feel, isn't it time to quit for good?'

    If you continue sneaking a cigarette or two, sooner or later,  your body is going to get use to it and you will be craving for more and then...

    You are going to be back to your old self, probably smoking more than ever.

    I have been down that path and I know it. I smoke 1.5 packs for 13 years before I quit. Smoke free for 12 years now.

  4. You please try to stop smoking altogether. It will be good for you and others.

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