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is anyone else in the tww????OMG i hate the tww......i am 3dpo anyone else?14 days has never seemed so freakin long!!!LOL




  1. i know what u mean good luck.

  2. I am!! My period is suppose to start on the 24!!! It is so hard to wait and not get excited and fool yourself!!!! I'm trying not to think about it, but it is SOOOOOOO Hard!  Good Luck to you!! I hope that all that are ttc get there BFP this month!!!  I am praying hard!! God Bless!!!!

  3. I know the feeling... I'm a week late, but stopped the bcp last month, so I have no idea how long my cycle is going to be. I tested last sunday, it was negative... Waiting a little more to test again, then I'll go see the doctor next week if there's still nothing.

    I'm having symptoms, but wondering if they're in my head or really there...  

  4. I'm just coming to the end of a three week wait!!! LOL ~ tww never seemed so long - still no AF, still no BFP!

    Good Luck-hun

    *****baby dust*****

  5. I'm in my first tww and it's weird.  I just don't know what to expect.  I read about these people that just know they are preggers, and I just don't know either way!  I never knew so much went into having a baby and now I'm obsessed with learning everything there is about the woman's body and how this all works.  It's so complicated and it really is a miracle if it happens ( i know very cliche).

    Good luck!  I'm right there with you.  I'm still learning the tcc lingo and I guess I'm 5dpo!

    message me if you want to chat sometime!

  6. OMG I am soooo with you. I can never wait the two weeks, I am a serial tester. I am one day away from af and got the BFN today and I am so dissapointed:( I'm praying to god that I just tested to early because I have two other kids and I am having the exact same symptoms as I did with them. The wait is brutal. I eat, sleep, and dream to

  7. Girl brandy im with you.  1m 12dpo and had pinkish spotting today around 1pm and nothing since.  I wanted to wait til day 14 to test but after i got the pinkish spotting i did a HPT.  BIG FAT NEGATIVE. im devastated.  ttc #1 over a year.  this is so freaking crazyyyy OMG!!!  

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